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SRO on the unique conditions throughout the Russian Federation!

Offer type: servicesPublished: 05.10.2014
Seller:Fedor Fedor Fedor
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Address:Russian Federation, Moskovskaya Oblast', Moscow
A single service of self-regulation in construction offers favourable conditions for Admission SRO for builders, designers and surveyors:
- contribution to compound 30 000 RUB (270 so R in installments for a year)
- installment 0%
- paperwork 0rur.
- takes. fee 0rur.
- architecture. fee 5000 p (first installment 0rur.)
specialists 0rur
insurance 0rur
Total SRO for 30 000 rubles without hidden fees and intermediaries.
The offer is unique. The largest SRO Russia.
We guarantee entry into the register of RTN. Now the action!