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the starch factory equipment

Offer type: salePublished: 15.10.2014
Seller:Fast Oleg
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Address:Ukraine, Ternopil's'ka Oblast', Zbarazh
Dear Sirs!
Offer for sale equipment starch factory (line-based PSU-500), second hand or the whole plant, not a high price.
The equipment is in good working condition.
1. Solomonovich CBM-700
2. Two Kamarouski ORC-62
3. The pulsating gate CS-1M
4. Feeding conveyor feed potatoes at the sink-450M
5.Washing raw potatoes
6. 2 bucket feeding potatoes to graters IN-450M
7. 5 graters ZT-300
8. 4 plunger pump AVN-125
9. installation of CCGT-500, complete
10. sieve FTEs-1, Qty 4pcs
11. 2 centrifuges VGN-C, one new (storage)
12. Screw conveyor
13. Drying marks PPP-25m(4 cyclone)
14. New heat "ATON-750A" 2008 (was not in operation)
15. The burata
Link to the film factory pieces.
Link to photo equipment plant.
If you are interested, ready to send additional information.
Will consider any suggestions.
Ukraine, Ternopil region.
Tel +380676318293