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Accounting services for legal entities in Kiev

Offer type: servicesPublished: 15.10.2014
Seller:"Zlato-Konsalting" Kompaniya
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Address:Ukraine, Kyiv Oblast'
The company "gold Consulting provides accounting support to accounting, tax and personnel records, and drafting of all types of reporting.
Successful experience providing accounting services to companies in the areas of trade (wholesale and retail), services, construction, manufacturing, leasing, publishing, and other.
We are financially responsible for the services provided.
Working with us You will:
1. Receive high-quality and legal solution to all of Your questions!
2. Save your time and money!
3. Get a full range of services!
4. Always know what You pay for, and receive even more than you expect!
5. Always feel our individual approach and support!
6. Always worry about your account, because our team consists of the best specialists in their work!
Call us right now and get a FREE consultation accountant!
(097) 882-78-97
(044) 537-12-35