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The sale of tea in bulk brand Oxalis in Ukraine

Offer type: salePublished: 22.10.2014
Seller:Zimchuk Zlata
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Address:Ukraine, Kyiv Oblast'
Provider of tea products - company "TD "Volund" offers premium teas in bulk. The basis of our collection is the highest quality teas from China, India, Ceylon, and direct deliveries from the best European manufacturer - brand "Oxalis". Our company in its range is over 100 items for every taste and budget. In addition to pure black and green teas, we offer a wide selection of flavored green (Jasmine, Green cactus, Cleopatra's Night ), aromatizovani black (Earl grey classic 1000 , 1 Night, Tatar), herbal (Heart of the dragon, Alpine meadow, anti-Stress, Yoga tea "Chocolate"), Fruktovy mixtures (Cherry punch, Fresh fruit).
There are also ethnic teas: Paraguayan "mate" and the South African "Rooibos", the popularity of which in Ukraine is growing.
The company develops dealer network in the regions of Ukraine and invites to cooperation of wholesale organisations and retail outlets.
Individual approach to each client.
All products are certified.
Competitive pricing.