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Installation dewaxing wells

Offer type: salePublished: 23.10.2014
Seller:Sviridov Roman
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Address:Russian Federation, Republic of Tatarstan, Naberezhnye Chelny
Installation dewaxing wells UDS for cleaning tubing from paraffin and other deposits in poluavtomatychnomu or automatic mode. The treatment is carried out using a descent-ascent scraper blade that allows you to crash into paraffin tube. In the wash well after a few cycles increases the flow rate of the produced fluid.
- Operation mode: Manual, semi-automatic, automatic
- Speed scraper: 100 - 650 m/h
- Performance electric drive: explosion-proof
- Ambient temperature: -40ºC ... +80ºC
- Voltage: 380 V, 50 Hz
- Depth cleaning, with no more than: 3000 m
Equipment installation:
traction winch;
- control station winch;
the lubricator;
- scraper with cargo;
- wire rope GOST 7372-79 1.8 mm - 2000 m
valve manometer;
- spare parts kit;
guide and passport.
Manufacturer: OOO "Ecolight-Technics