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Need supplier of products for cancer treatment from abroad. Diferelin, Tarceva, Xeloda.

Offer type: salePublished: 30.10.2014
Seller:Kushnir Anella
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Address:Ukraine, Donets'ka Oblast', Donetsk
Need supplier of products for cancer treatment from abroad. Diferelin, Tarceva, Xeloda.
Need supplier of products for cancer treatment from Poland, Turkey and India. I am interested in: original medications, with adequate time, stable supply and the prospect of long-term cooperation. With their parties undertake to comply with its obligations of timely payment and regular orders. Clicking on You will be able to view the entire list of necessary medicines, here are some of them - therapy, Copaxone-Teva, xeloda, Curosurf Viagrain, Humira, Meronem, NovoSeven, Neupogen, Noxafil. Willing to negotiate call and email