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Welding electrodes Vistek the Mr-3 f 3 mm 5 kg

Offer type: salePublished: 12.10.2015
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Address:Ukraine, Kharkivs'ka Oblast'
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There is a wide range of the wire:

Electrodes SSSI-13/55 Vistek FM, pack. 5kg according to GOST 9466-75, e-50
the production of ARTEMOVSKI MACHINE-building PLANT VISTEC
Welding electrodes Mr-3 artemovski machine-building plant VISTEC designed for manual arc welding of critical structures made of carbon steel with carbon content up to 0, 25 % in all positions, except vertical down.
ATTENTION welding Electrodes Mr-3 are very whimsical terms storage. Store ONLY in DRY warehouse. If any of the conditions the storage electrode is saturated with moisture , loses its welding properties, and does not illuminate.