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Wall clock with photo or line drawing on a natural canvas Kiev, Ukra

Offer type: salePublished: 21.10.2015
Price:385 UAH
Company:Internet-magazin podarkov i tovarov dlya doma
Seller:alina alina
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Address:Ukraine, Kyiv

Wall clock with illustration or photography - stylish decor for home, for gift. Will make to order 2-3 days of the original decoration for Your home: the clock on the wall in the living room, the bedroom, the clock on the kitchen, hours in the nursery. Will make for You unique wall clocks that will surprise Your guests!Only high quality natural materials at affordable prices. Silent quartz movement Hermle. Watch picture 30x40 UAH - UAH 385., 40x60 cm - 510 UAH., 21h50 cm - 410 UAH., 50x70 cm - 600 UAH. A wide range of finished images, as well as a watch with Your photo on order - the most original gift for a wedding, anniversary, birthday present, on their professional holiday.

Also in the sale of modular paintings with clock - modern and stylish decor, the original idea for business gift.
Delivery in Kiev, Ukraine, the Self - Novokonstantinovskaya, 15.