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costume pharmacist,medical kit,uniform for nurses, jacket and pants medical

Offer type: salePublished: 20.10.2016
Price:332 UAH
Company:OOO Promspets
Seller:Tarnavskij Aleksandr
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Address:Ukraine, Kyiv
The company offers its services in sewing of uniforms medical.
Suit medical consists of:
Pants, straight-leg silhouette elastic
jackets fitted with pockets. the model can be changed according to customer needs.
We use high - quality imported fabrics, the suit looks elegant, employees enjoy wearing this costume;
- fabric resistant to abrasion, for a long time retain the original color is much appreciated by our clients because they are able to save on purchases of costumes.
- quality tailoring, the suit is comfortable and functional, light, elegant silhouette. Your employees will be happy to wear our uniforms! Minimum order is 10 units. When needs put embroidery.