Metheny machine Bernardo T 800 F / 400 V to buy, sell from a warehouse in Kiev
Company: | Ingdastrial Tehnolodzhis OOO |
Seller: | Diminskij Vladimir |
Phones: | 380 50 316-80-42 Show phone |
Address: | Ukraine |
Sell Metalworking equipment Bernardo:
Metheny machine Bernardo T 800 F / 400 V
Main technical data:
Working table size 1000 x 360 mm
Working height 895 mm
Diameter spindle 30 mm
Turn spindle From 5 ° to -45 °
Regulation the height of the spindle 100 mm
Useful 100 mm
Maximum tool diameter 200 mm
Maximum tool diameter retractable 180 mm
Opening table 200 mm
Speed rotation of the spindle about 1800/3000/6000/9000 / min
Suction 100 mm
Power engine, S 1 100% 2,8 kW (3,8 HP)
Input power S 6 40% 3,9 kW (5,3 HP)
Voltage 400 V
Machine dimensions (W x D x h) 1240 x 710 x 1200 mm
Weight 218 kg
Flexible approach and discounts to dealers.
Products demand, the availability check. Shipment from a warehouse in Kiev. Shipping New mail in the regions.
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