VIET.686.422.002 Luggage extinguishing ;
VIET.685.174.001 movable Contact ;
VIET.685.174.001 stationary Contact ;
VIET.686.236.001 Rod ;
VIET.686.451.001 Gasket ;
VIET.754.127.001 Seal ;
VIET.713.341.002 Bushing ;
VIET.713.341.003 Sleeve ;
VIET.753.513.005 Spring ;
VIET.711.192.003 Spring ;
VIET.711.194.001 Plate ;
VIET.711.192.002 Plate ;
VIET.711.192.005 Plate ;
VIET.716.171.001 Cylinder ;
VIET.685.111.002 Traverse ; Input to W-35
The inputs of the cast polymer to 35kV (C-35; W-35; MCP-35; VM-35)
Enter the porcelain VPF-35(S-35; W-35; MCP-35; VM-35).
The plug contacts to the cells 630-1600A:
KRU-2-10; K-12; K-13; K-37; K-59; on switches WMPA; tick-borne encephalitis; PTO; VMG; WMP; VMP