Balancing machines, test benches for balancing, technological solutions repairs
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All around us devices and mechanisms of the rotary part. The rotor, the rotating element of the mechanism, and he is the main source of vibration during operation of the mechanism. The phenomenon is called nesbalansirovannoi of the rotor when the rotor axis of rotation does not coincide with the axis mass of the rotor. To remedy this defect it is necessary to conduct the event: on balancing of the rotor.
Rotor balancing this event to identify and eliminate residual imbalance by setting or clearing the cargo planes of correction (installation of the goods), when you mix the axis of the center of mass of the rotor.
For accurate and quick operation identifying imbalances and eliminating the apply to enterprises balancing machines .
In the manufacture of rotors is usually the finishing operation. In the basis of the procedure lies in the method: calculate the vector expression of the amplitude-phase characteristic of the circulating frequency of the rotor (vibration).
Depending on the design of the rotor and rotor are "hard" or "soft" there are programs and methods for balancing the rotor. "Hard" the rotor is a rotor line shaft rotation does not change (where the axis of rotation coincides with the axis rotation of this mass of the rotor). Flexible or "soft" rotors is usually difficult-functional rotor transmitting torque in a large the range of turnover( for their 1st, 2nd, etc. critical frequency of the rotor) and perceiving temperature deformation own axis of the shaft, and the position (temperature deformation own supports. The vibration levels on the reverse rotational speed of all existing rotors is defined by GOST. And with him, as well as technologies and techniques you will find courses TOR-102 in the Baltech".
And for a variety of rotors and their working conditions created machines: Cortonensis, resonant, the above-resonance.
By type are: vertical, horizontal, inclined and automatic. And rotor are on the way layout: console, single pole, two and multisupport.
Types of balancing machines and stands are:
- low speed for rigid rotors and correct their imbalance in the range of process speeds when balancing of the rotor 800...2000 rpm
- speed (in vacuum), hard and flexible rotors and correct their imbalance in the operating range and upper frequencies of rotation of the rotor to 3000, 5000, 10000, 30000, 50000 rpm (depending on rotor).
Balancing machines and stands for balancing is a technology solutions for repair of all rotating machines.
Courses TOR-102 in the Baltech" you learn a simple and unique solution of balancing any rotor on the basis of the polar diagram of the amplitude-phase characteristics, as in the machines rotor balancing (98% machine tool market) and other conditions (field). For example, in special circumstances, where there are solutions, methods, tools for detection of imbalance of the rotor and a significant decrease.