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Effective support immunity for healing, rejuvenation and prevention of diseases

Offer type: salePublished: 07.11.2013
Seller:Mischenko Marina
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Address:Ukraine, Kyiv Oblast', Kyiv
Transfer factor is a natural, highly effective immunocorrector.
The immunomodulators of the family "transfer factor" (TF) 4Life Research company (USA) is not a medicine and not a panacea for all diseases, and the means to restore and stabilize the immune system as the basis of health and barrier protection from viruses and diseases. Transfer factors are essentially molecules of the immune system, making it balanced functioning. And immunomodulators "transfer factor" contain these molecules and make up for their deficiency in the body.
Prescription TF and different methods of application:
-prevention of various diseases, Oncology, diabetes and so on ;
-application in complex treatment;
-use in rehabilitation after surgery, chemotherapy;
-increase the body's resistance to stress and strain (sports, climate change, etc );
-improving the quality of life in chronic diseases (cancer, AIDS, diabetes,...);
in programs of recovery and rejuvenation;
and so on..
TF investigated in hospitals in various countries. It is proved that TF is safe and has no contraindications. Recommended to everyone, including pregnant women and young children. Certified by the Ministry of health of Ukraine.
At the moment TF 4Life Research company (USA) is the most effective immunocorrector.