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Filtration lines from 75 to 1000 l/h

Offer type: salePublished: 19.11.2013
Seller:Lavrin Aleksandr
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Address:Ukraine, Dnipropetrovska Oblast', Dnipropetrovsk
Line filter is used to filter vegetable oil, and provides cleaning from mechanical impurities and heavy fats, and waxes (in accordance with the requirements of the state standard for premium grade oil)
LF-2: flow rate: 75 l/h, Price: 7820 UAH.
LF-3: flow rate: 150 l/h, Price: 9600 USD.
LF-4: Capacity: 200 l/h, Price: 10500 USD.
LF-5: Capacity: 700 l/h, Price: 17500 USD.
LF-6: Capacity: 1000 l/h, Price: 19400 UAH.