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Sale acting. broad-based technical center

Offer type: salePublished: 03.11.2014
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Address:Russian Federation, Moskovskaya Oblast', Moscow
Sold real active service centre, as prepared and established business. The term business 7 years. Specializing in auto body repair, painting , and maintenance, repair steering rack ,tire service, the similarity collapse ,sink body and the cleaning of the cabin, the service is equipped with all necessary equipment and tools, spray booth , the slipway, 4 two rack-mount lifts and one 4-rack , floor Area of 600 square meters, high ceilings with the possibility of increasing the area - 2nd floor. Hot and cold water, heating, bathroom ,shower, capital structure. There is acceptance with TV and WI-FI zone, site , three sofas and coffee tables. org. equipment, CCTV repairing zone and acceptance, 17 Parking spaces, two rooms for storage. Space for staff, 6 employees, 2 of the head.