International forum "food Strategy - Initiative 2015"

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The international community is trying to find a solution to global challenges - food security for a rapidly growing population, with increasing attention to the formation of an adequate strategy to achieve global food security. An important place in these processes is Ukraine.
We know that Ukraine is a leader in the production and supply of sunflower oil on the world market, accounting for more than half of global demand. In the last 10 years, Ukraine's share in world trade of sunflower oil increased from 25% (2004) to 60% (2014). Be proud of Ukraine and its market of confectionery products - by saturation and range he is close to EU levels. Pastries include about 2,000 titles, of which more than 90% of the confectionery market belongs to domestic products. Another interesting fact that according to the world Council of processors of tomatoes (WPTC; ,Avignon, France, Ukraine is in the Top 10 world producers of tomato paste.
However, Ukraine continues to occupy a higher position in the segment of food raw materials rather than finished goods market. Inhibiting factor in the development of this direction is not sufficiently active introduction of new technologies, which negatively affects the quality and competitiveness of our products on the world markets.
What will be the future role of Ukraine in the food segment? Will Ukraine continue to remain a commodity exporter, ruthlessly exploiting black, or turn into a manufacturer of high-quality prepared food products based on innovative technologies? This topic will be fundamental at the International Forum "food Strategy - 2015 Initiative, which will take place on 5 February 2015. in the conference hall of the Ukrainian chamber of Commerce (Ul. B. Zhytomyr 33, ,Kiev). Leading experts of the Ukrainian food industry and agribusiness will meet to discuss the future of Ukrainian food industry, finding new ways of its development and achievements of the new positions on the world market.
The organizers of the Forum "food Strategy - Initiative 2015 are: the Committee of agribusiness entrepreneurs at the UCCI, consulting Agency "UkrAgroConsult" law firm "Sofiya". The forum will be held with the support of industry associations: ukrsahar, Ukrainian, Ukraine, ukrkhlibprom, Ukrainian beer, Ukrvinprom, Ukrmedprom. Partner of the event is the USAID Agroinvest.