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Back pain and Not help tablets out there-prophylactic-image

Offer type: salePublished: 11.11.2014
Seller:Evminov Vitalij
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Address:Ukraine, Kharkivs'ka Oblast', Kharkiv
Prophylactic-image - special orthopedic device to practice the Method of image.
Prophylactic image is a wooden panel with two pairs of arms on the carriage which moves along the entire length of the panel.
Evminov prophylactic device attached to the wall and hangs on a special cable. By the movable carriage for performing exercises can engage both adults and children.
Prophylactic can be mounted to the wall at an angle of 8o to 90o, and under a negative angle to-25o.
In the vertical (non-working) position prophylactic an area equal to the square of its basic parts 4cm x 45cm = 0.02 m square.