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Open offices loan Center Loans

Offer type: salePublished: 12.11.2014
Seller:Viktorovich Vladimir
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Address:Russian Federation
We invite partners for joint business in all regions of Russia.
Microfinance is currently one of the fastest growing and profitable businesses in Russia. In the next 3-5 years this business will grow at times (according to the forecast of the RF Ministry of Finance).
"The centre of Loans has extensive experience in the granting of micro-loans, we developed and launched a clear scheme of this business. This scheme we presented in the form of franchises and ready to pass on to our partners.
Main product: issuing micro-loans up to 50 000 rubles for the population 15 minutes on the same passport.
Investments in the opening of one of the office from 700 thousand to 1.5 million rubles
Fee for entering into business a minimum of 80 thousand rubles
Possible exclusive territory. From us full support, training, assistance in the organization and conduct of the business, as well as all the proven system for the profitable operation of Your office (s).
We guarantee redemption "dirty bag" in case of exceeding the normal values.
With us from the first day you work get:
* professional software
* trained call center, room 8-800 free throughout Russia
* full package of documents
* private collection service
* professional credit Committee (decision making)
* page promoted on the website
* daily support of business
* training and testing of your employees
* planned advertising campaign
* assistance in registration of MFIs
Full payback: 6 months.
Monthly net income: up to 350 thousand rubles with one office.
For open office, please contact us.
Please, ready to answer all Your questions