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Lumber from the manufacturer

Offer type: salePublished: 18.11.2014
Seller:Ruban Andrej
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Address:Russian Federation, Kirovskaya Oblast', Kirov
Direct manufacturer of lumber, from Kirov (Russia) , offers You without intermediaries, direct supply of timber from the forests of the Northern region (pine oasis, natural moisture) . Specialization of our company - manufacturer of square-sawn timber. The company has its own raw material base in the form of plots (p. Bogorodsky, Kirov region ) and plants for processing forest (G. Kirov, novovyatsky R-he) . Today, the sale of lumber includes the supply of sawn timber of different thickness, length and purpose, first of all, this cutting Board, timber, etc. Supply of lumber are made by road and railway transport. Other delivery terms are negotiated with each customer individually. Our company uses a differentiated approach to the promotion of their products in the market of building materials, uses an individual approach in the development of partnerships with each client. Volume, price and form of payment are specified when placing each order. The offered products have very competitive price. Have a firm intention to work in Your region, and we look forward to working with You.