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Injector Inject Star BI - 220

Offer type: salePublished: 24.11.2014
Seller:Il'chenko Andrej Oles'evich
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Address:Ukraine, Cherkas'ka Oblast', Cherkasy
Is designed for continuous extrusion of meat on the bone and boneless and extrusion birds.
Welded stainless steel construction, a purely surface ground and polished.
- working speed, pressure and the amount of injected brine is precisely regulated;
- closed engine room - the inner part of the injector is not contaminated;
- hinged casing facilitate cleaning;
- 3 return filter, 1 suction filter;
- tools equipped with quick change needle,
- valve for regulating the pressure of the injection brine, high-performance pump;
a shut - off valve to control the injection timing of the brine through the needle.