Seeder UPS 8, UPS is equipped with a seeder.
Price: | negotiated |
Seller: | Samchuk FOP Anton |
Phones: | 0509935581 Show phone0981733540 Show phone |
Address: | Ukraine, Dnipropetrovska Oblast', Dnipropetrovsk |
Seeder UPS 8, the seeder is equipped with a UPS.
Equipment seeders oops, device seeders oops, seeders oops principle.
Frame, transport device, markers, sowing section with metering devices fan, fertilizer openers, fertilizer distributor, the support-drive wheels, mechanisms of transmission (changes in seeding rate, fertilizer).
By order consumer drill can be manufactured in the following versions:
Oops-8 - with the transport device and the control seeding;
Oops-8 - without the transport device control seeding;
Oops-8 transport device, without the control of seeding;
Oops-8 – without transport device without control seeding;