Good day!
We offer big bags used, European quality in excellent condition. All big bags are clean and Packed compactly.
You can buy big bags of four slings with valves and without. And the big bag such as t-shirt.
In our warehouse always has a large selection of big runs different of rosemary:
- 90 x 90 x 110 (4 lines, valve flap, or deep bottom)
- 90 x 90 x 120 (4 lines, valve flap, or deep bottom)
- 90 x 90 x 130 (4 lines, valve flap, or deep bottom)
- 90 x 90 x 140 (4 lines, valve flap, or deep bottom)
- 90 x 90 x 180 (4 lines, valve flap, or deep bottom)
- 90 x 90 x 200 (4 lines, valve flap, or deep bottom)
For the convenience of sending kuresoi service we compact big bags, industrial press, which significantly reduces the cost and volume of delivery.
Cash, cash or Bank PDF.
We also carry out delivery in Kiev and region on their own transport.
Call us and we will be happy to find you and your products the best option.