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Sell butter, spreads

Offer type: salePublished: 28.02.2015
Company:OOO"Ryihal'skij z-d suhogo moloka"
Seller:Bozhko Denis Yur'evich
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1. Butter TM ”Rygalski” fat 63%, 73%, 83%, and the spread of 62.5%, 72,5%, 82.5 percent in range. Packing in briquettes (200g), sticks (450g), monoliths (5, 10, 20 kg). 2. Butter TM \"Bila Rus\", fat content of 73%, 78%, 83%. Briquettes (200g), sticks (350g), monoliths (5,10,20 kg). DSTU 4399:2005