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Buy scrap bystroletov P9, R, R18, R6M5, RMC expensive

Offer type: buyPublished: 28.02.2015
Company:OOO TsenrMetEksport
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Buy scrap bystroletov P9, R, R18, R6M5, RMC expensive

Buy the expensive Nickel soderjashie 1 scrap,5%-99.99% in any form, as rolled steel with high Nickel content.

Buy expensive waste of tool steel ( scrap, chips) Brand: HN, HNP, HN, HNM, HNM, X17, HT, X13, HSM, HN, HM, HMPS, P9, R, R18, R6M5, RMK. Just scrap titanium, zirconium ( without niobium)