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Mesh woven conveyor stainless steel (troskova) TU 14-4-460-88

Offer type: salePublished: 27.02.2015
Company:ChP 'Vostokmetalltorg'
Seller:Yaroslav, Igor'
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Address:Ukraine, Kharkivs'ka Oblast', Kharkiv

Private enterprise "VOSTOKTELECOM" (phone: (057) 756-15-80, 759-09-74, 757-84-47, 732-08-98) offers a grid trusikovuyu, which used as a conveyor belt for belt conveyors food or chemical industries. Material - stainless steel: 12H18N9, 081810, 12X18H10T, HT.

Dimensions cell: 24/2; 11/3,6; 3,3/1,6; 3/1 mm.

Width paintings: 1250-3100mm

When the volume of the order of 100 m the POG. it is possible to supply the grid intermediate widths, with different cell sizes and the length of the blade.

Mesh is the largest industrial company JSC "plant Solnechnogorsk metal mesh LEPSE".

PE "VOSTOKTELECOM" is the distributor of JSC "Solnechnogorsk plant metal mesh LEPSE" on the territory of Ukraine.

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