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Olive oil Monini

Offer type: salePublished: 28.02.2015
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Address:Ukraine, Kyiv Oblast'

Monini Classico extra vergine olive oil first cold pressed. It is a perfectly balanced olive oil that has a unique taste with a pleasant freshness, reminiscent of the smell of grass. The taste of this oil is a true classic of olive oil. His recipe was developed many years ago and since then jealously guarded family Monini.

This olive oil can be easily recognized thanks to its balanced and harmonious taste and intense, multi-faceted fragrance. This oil is considered Extra Virgin olive oil # 1 in Italy.

Monini Classico is produced by the method of first cold pressing, which allows you to fully preserve the nutrients and vitamins. The acidity of 0.4% (In compliance with EU requirements - less than 1%). The content of vitamin E provides 20% of the daily requirement, contains minerals and magnesium.

Ideal for cooking a variety of meats, side dishes or condiments raw.

 1 l