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Obtaining the extract from the state land cadastre

Offer type: servicesPublished: 01.12.2013
Seller:Pavel Vladimirovich
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Address:Ukraine, Kyiv Oblast', Kyiv
Extract from the state land cadastre is a document containing personal information about the land, such as statements about the owner (user), the cadastral number of the land plot, location, description of boundaries, land, restrictions and encumbrances on the use of information on the normative monetary evaluation, the preset target designation (category land), land and more.
Cadastral statement is required in the majority of the action area, it is a confirmation for natural or legal persons land use rights to the land. So, in the exercise of the purchase and sale of land, probate, notary an extract from the land register.
This extract from the land registry can be obtained in the territorial body of the state Agency of land resources of Ukraine. According to established fees for administrative services, obtaining the extract from the state land cadastre to land is 53 USD.