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Legal office of Dmitry Borovik

Offer type: servicesPublished: 04.12.2013
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Address:Russian Federation, Krasnoyarskiy Kray, Krasnoyarsk
Individual approach to each client!
1.Legal advice.
2.The drafting of contracts, claims, complaints, petitions.
3.Representation in courts.
4.Labour disputes.
5.Protection of the rights of consumers.
6.The debt repayment.
7.Housing disputes.
8.Family disputes.
9.Land disputes.
10.Disputes with banks (recovery of fees, insurances).
11. Disputes with state bodies and institutions.
12.Disputes with insurance companies.
13.Disputes accident (hull, OSAGO)
14.Legal assistance to conscripts.
15.Registration of LLC, PI.
16.Attorneys at law criminal defense.
17.Damage assessment after an accident.
18.Construction expertise buildings, constructions, apartments.