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Semi-automatic tire changer stand brigth lc 810 (g)

Offer type: salePublished: 04.12.2013
Seller:Stupak Svetlana
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Address:Ukraine, Kyiv Oblast'
Inexpensive and fast stand, ideal for small workshops and bus services. Allows servicing of passenger cars and light commercial vehicles. Meets the European standards and constructed in accordance with contemporary requirements, design standards and safety.
Equipped with pneumatic release the paw;
a set of plastic caps for alloy wheels;
gun swap;
the preparation unit of the air (the air dryer and oil distributors);
cast turntable plated;
the tank Assembly pastes and repair.
LC 810 (G)
Power supply
1F. 220V 50Hz,
3F. 380V 50Hz
Engine power, kW
1.1 (at 230 V) or 0.75 (at 380V)
External clamp, inch (G)
10"-20" ( 10"-20")
Internal clamp " (G)
12"-22" ( 12"-24")
Max. wheel diameter, mm
960 (1000)
Max. wheel width mm 300 (310)
The force of the pressing Board, kg
Working pressure, bar