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Molodosti considers the task of "Military mortgage 2nd time"

Offer type: servicesPublished: 19.12.2013
"Molodosti" seeks to optimize the process of granting mortgage employees of the armed forces. The "Military mortgage 2nd time" shows how to remove the lien and sell the apartment purchased by the participant NIS, and then to buy a new apartment when you transfer to another part in another city, or just in need to improve their living conditions.
"Molodosti" every day is filled with new and new members, ideas and suggestions which would find a ready response from all participants in the mortgage programme. The protection of the constitutional rights officer of the Russian army and members of their families, as well as improving the efficiency of the program "Military mortgage" - the main activities of the Association of military personnel participating NIS Molodosti"."Molodosti" every day is filled with new and new members, ideas and suggestions which would find a ready response from all participants in the mortgage programme. The protection of the constitutional rights officer of the Russian army and members of their families, as well as improving the efficiency of the program "Military mortgage" - the main activities of the Association of military personnel participating NIS Molodosti".
For any questions you can contact by phone:
Phone+7 (495) 565-32-38, +7 (929) 965-75-00
The website of the Association: