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From a warehouse in Kiev sell Ilomedin/ml 1ml No. 5 GM

Offer type: salePublished: 14.12.2014
Seller:Kushnir ALENA
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Address:Ukraine, Kyiv Oblast', Kyiv
Medicine Oncology femara, Casodex, Diferelin. Cheap.
In connection with the closing of drugstore chains sell aclpropagate. The product is original, has not expired. Rates available. Send New mail in Ukraine. Manufactured In Germany. Herceptin, a Drug, zometa, Solaria - the entire range on the website.
Wholesale pharmacy "PARMALAT" (Kiev)
Telephone: (050) 236-03-85
Shipping: by courier - 50 UAH ,
courier service "New Mail" in Ukraine.
Manager: ALAIN