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The tractor K-700 and K-701 expansion tanks

Offer type: salePublished: 26.12.2014
Seller:Agafonov Yurij
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Address:Ukraine, Zaporiz'ka Oblast', Melitopol'
Sell to the tractor K-700 and K-701 expansion tanks, tanks on the radiator top and bottom, the radiator Assembly and the core of the individual, is the oil radiators, shock absorbers AXS-220 and AXS-400 under the gearbox and engine, all hydraulics on tractor K-700: Distributors of R-160, power steering, flow regulators and flow, pumps NSH-100 and NSH-71. We can offer hydraulics as a new and major repairs. All parts with quality guarantee, great prices and delivery throughout Ukraine transport campaigns.