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Clothing from the manufacturer

Offer type: salePublished: 30.03.2015
Company:Tk spetsodezhda
Seller:Belozor Yuliya Aleksandrovna
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On the Ukrainian market we offer a complete modern clothes of own production, which meets all the requirements of the time, health and safety standards and norms for the protection of production and safety. Constantly in stock in sufficient quantity and in a complete range includes suits, gowns, overalls with jackets, warm and camouflage clothing, clothing for workers in the medical and food industry, uniforms for employees of the security service and others. Our clothing is not inferior to the best foreign samples, has an affordable price, nice appearance and guaranteed lifetime. In a wide range there is always work shoes. Great attention is paid to the quality of our products, so all of it is being tested in the laboratories of the Ukrainian State Certification centre and relevant certificates.