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The pine paneling

Offer type: salePublished: 27.02.2015
Company:Zapah Lesa
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Address:Ukraine, L'vivs'ka Oblast', Lviv

Lining is the sheathing Board of the wood up to a thickness of 15 mm, are used, as a rule, for interior decoration. The range of our organization is the lining from softwoods - pine and hardwood - basswood and alder. Coniferous the breed is ideal for the decoration of the loggia, summer houses, cottages. Batten pine 1st and 2nd grades, solid, dry, Europrofile and seamless. Produced, loaded-unloaded and delivered the lining to Your address with no pre-payment. For more information call (067) 411-68-50, (095) 068-41-14 and on the website