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Saffron high quality from Iran

Offer type: salePublished: 10.12.2015
Seller:Voitovych Nataliia
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Address:Ukraine, Kyiv
Saffron is the most fragrant spice, is the most persistent dye, the most expensive perfume, the most versatile medicine. Earlier, in the East, it was called "red gold". The quality of saffron produced in different countries is very different. Iranian saffron is considered the best in the world. One of the "competitive" qualities of this expensive spice produced in Iran, is that even after prolonged storage, its aroma, taste and healthful properties are retained in full. The saffron grown in Iran, differs from the other "competitors". Due to this unique property, it is the Iranian saffron is particularly popular among sellers of high-quality spices and herbs all over the world, because it does not require adherence to any strict storage conditions. Iranian Crocus is fully consistent with the international standard ISO 3632 that determines saffron quality. Crocus is produced mainly in the province of Khorasan – Razavi. Community Khorasan's Saffron awlasa manufacturer 17.8% of the annual production of this spice in the world. We are proud of the quality of our products and can provide samples to potential buyers, but also to host You in Iran and to show the process and production technology of saffron. On quality, cost and delivery please contact personal messages.