OOO "the First agriculture", Melitopol, offers you an exclusive line of sunflower seeds from the Spanish manufacturer Mirasol Seed. This manufacturer more than 30 years successfully working on the development of unique hybrids of sunflower seeds. We are pleased to present the four most promising hybrid:
-Hypercal (Hipersol)
-Sirocco (Sirocco)
Castello (Castello)
-Atlas (Atlas).
In previous years, these hybrids have already proven themselves on the territory of Ukraine, not only in arid regions and in areas where fields is rampant BROOMRAPE!!! These hybrids were resistant to all races of Broomrape, which, of course, affects the harvest.
Mirasol Seed is a unique product created in Spain. Small floor space give the opportunity to understand all the key processes, which are usually aimed at the quality of the seeds.
More than 3 years Mirasol Seed conducted their research on the territory of Ukraine as on farmers ' fields and demonstration sites. Throughout the study, experts from Spain were collected, processed and analysed information received. This information helped in the development of these hybrids exclusively for the climatic zones of Ukraine. As a result, our proposed hybrids have the following benefits:
-Resistance to all races of Broomrape G;
-High resistance to powdery mildew;
-High productivity in arid regions, etc.
Excellent quality for reasonable money! Think of a great yield for arid regions, high maslyanichnoe, quick maturing, suitable for all types of soils, herbicidetolerant and this is not the full potential of these seeds. More details about the other benefits You will tell our staff or go to our website First AgroProm. Call, write, we are always open to communication. Form of payment cash/Bank transfer, and working with VAT.