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Steel pipe Ф325 mm, St. 09G2S,20,35
negotiated  sale
TD Metallstroy offers from a warehouse:Pipe 325х 8 st09g2s Pipe 325х 8 ST20 Pipe 325х 8 ST20 Pipe 325х 9 st09g2s Pipe 325х10 ST20 Pipe 325х12 ST20 Pipe 325х14 ST20 Pipe 325х16 ST20 Pipe 325х18 ST20 Pipe 325х20
Ukraine, Vinnytsia Oblast', Vinnytsya
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Steel pipe f 299 mm, St. 09G2S, 20, 45
negotiated  sale
Pipe 299х 8 st09g2s Pipe 299х 8 ST20 Pipe 299х10 ST20 Pipe 299х12 ST20 Pipe 299х14 ST20 Pipe 299х16 ST20 Pipe 299х20 ST20 Pipe 299х25 ST20 Pipe 299х30 ST20 299х30 pipe st45 Pipe 299х36 ST20 Pipe 299х40 ST20
Ukraine, Vinnytsia Oblast', Vinnytsya
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Pipe thick-walled f 51х7.5, 51х9.5 mm article 45
negotiated  sale
Pipe thick-walled f 51х7.5, 51х9.5 mm article 45 Stock in Dnepropetrosk. Reasonable prices. Cutting is possible. Delivery in Ukraine by transport companies. We work from Monday. on FRI. from 8.30 to 17.30 Call
Ukraine, Vinnytsia Oblast', Vinnytsya
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Pipe thick-walled Ф50х6,50x10mm article 35
negotiated  sale
Pipe thick-walled Ф50х6, 50h10 35 mm art. Stock in Dnepropetrosk Reasonable prices. Cutting is possible. Delivery in Ukraine by transport companies. We work from Monday. on FRI. from 8.30 to 17.30 Call agreement!
Ukraine, Vinnytsia Oblast', Vinnytsya
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Tube St. steel 20,45 Ф273 mm assortment
negotiated  sale
TD metallstroy offers from a warehouse:Pipe 273х 6 ST20 Pipe 273х 7 ST20 Pipe 273х 8 ST20 Pipe 273х10 ST20 Pipe 273х12 ST20 Pipe 273х14 ST20 Pipe 273х16 ST20 Pipe 273х18 ST20 Pipe 273х20 ST20 273х25 pipe st45
Ukraine, Vinnytsia Oblast', Vinnytsya
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Steel pipe Ф245 mm, article 20,45,40 X,09G2S
negotiated  sale
 TD Metallstroy offers from a warehouse:Pipe 245х 8 st09g2s Pipe 245х 8 ST20 Pipe 245х10 st09g2s Pipe 245х10 ST20 Pipe 245х12 st09g2s Pipe 245х12 ST20 Pipe 245х13.5 ст40 X Pipe 245х15 ST20 Pipe 245х16 ST20
Ukraine, Vinnytsia Oblast', Vinnytsya
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Pipe f 219 mm, article 20,35,45,09G2S,20ГУ
negotiated  sale
TD Metallstroy implements warehousePipe 219х 6 st09g2s Pipe 219х 6 ST20 Pipe 219х 7 ST20 Pipe 219х 7 ст20ГУ Pipe 219х 8 st09g2s Pipe 219х 8 ST20 Pipe 219х 9 ST20 Pipe 219х10 st09g2s Pipe 219х10 ST20 Pipe 219х12
Ukraine, Vinnytsia Oblast', Vinnytsya
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Steel pipe rectangular 160х160,180х180,200x200 mm
negotiated  sale
TD Metallstroy offers from a warehouse:Труба160х 80х6 Труба160х160х 4 Труба160х160х 5 Труба160х160х 6 Труба160х160х 8 Труба180х180х5 Труба200х100х4 Труба200х200х 5 There is a pipe of other sizes. Reasonable prices.
Ukraine, Vinnytsia Oblast', Vinnytsya
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The rectangular tube 140х140,150x150 mm
negotiated  sale
TD Metallstroy offers from a warehouse:Труба140х140х3 Труба140х140х4 Труба140х140х5 Труба140х140х6 Труба150х150х 4 Труба150х150х 5 Труба150х150х 6 There is a pipe of other sizes. Reasonable prices. Delivery in
Ukraine, Vinnytsia Oblast', Vinnytsya
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Steel pipe rectangular 120х60,120x80,120x100,120x120mm
negotiated  sale
Труба120х 60х3 Труба120х 60h4 Труба120х 60х5 Труба120х 60х6 Труба120х 80х3 Труба120х 80х4 Труба120х 80х5 Труба120х100х5 Труба120х120х 3 Труба120х120х 4 Труба120х120х 5 Труба120х120х 6 Труба120х120х 8There is
Ukraine, Vinnytsia Oblast', Vinnytsya
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Steel pipe rectangular 90x90,100x50,100х60,100x100 mm
negotiated  sale
Pipe 90х90х4 Труба100х50х3 Труба100х50х4 Труба100х60х3 Труба100х60х4 Труба100х100х 2 Труба100х100х 4 Труба100х100х 5 Труба100х100х 6 Труба100х100х 8 There is a pipe of other sizes. Stock. Reasonable prices. Delivery
Ukraine, Vinnytsia Oblast', Vinnytsya
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Rectangular steel tube 70x70,80 x 40,80x60,80x80 mm
negotiated  sale
 Pipe 70х70х2 Pipe 70х70х4 Pipe 70х70х6 Pipe 80х40х2 Pipe hollow section 80x40x3 Pipe 80х40х4 Pipe 80х60х2 Pipe 80х60х3 Pipe 80х60х4 Pipe 80х60х6 Pipe 80х80х2 Pipe 80х80х2,5 Pipe 80х80х3 Pipe 80х80х4 Pipe
Ukraine, Vinnytsia Oblast', Vinnytsya
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Steel pipe rectangular 60x30, 60x40, 60x60 mm
Pipe hollow section 60x30x2 Pipe hollow section 60x30x3 Pipe section 60x30x4 Pipe 60х40х1,5 Pipe hollow section 60x40x2 Pipe hollow section 60x40x2,5 Tube 60x40x3 Pipe 60x40x4 Pipe 60х40х5 Pipe 60х60х2 Pipe
Ukraine, Vinnytsia Oblast', Vinnytsya
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Steel pipe rectangular 50х25, 50х30,50x40,50x50 mm
TD Metallstroy offers from a warehouse:Pipe 50х25х1,5 Tube 50x25x2 Pipe section 50x25x3,0 Pipe 50х30х1,5 Tube 50x30x2 Pipe 50x30x3 Pipe 50х40х2 Pipe 50х50х2 Pipe 50х50х3,0 Pipe 50х50х4 Pipe: 50x50x5Stock. There
Ukraine, Vinnytsia Oblast', Vinnytsya
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Steel pipe rectangular 40х25, 40x30, 40x40, 45x45 mm
negotiated  sale
TD Metallstroy sells from stock:Tube 40x25x1,5 Pipe 40x25x2 Pipe 40х25х3 Pipe 40х30х2 Pipe 40х40х1,2 Pipe 40х40х1,5 Pipe 40x40x2 Pipe 40х40х3 Pipe 40х40х4 Pipe 40х40х5 Pipe 45х45х3Stock. There is a pipe of
Ukraine, Vinnytsia Oblast', Vinnytsya
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Steel pipe rectangular 25x25, 30x20, 30x30, 40х20 mm
negotiated  sale
TD Metallstroy offers from a warehouse:Tube 25x25x1,2 Tube 25x25x1,5 Pipe 25х25х2 Tube 30x20x1,2 Tube 30x20x1,5 Pipe 30x20x2 Tube 30x30x1,2 Tube 30x30x1,5 Pipe 30х30х2 Pipe 30х30х3 Tube 40x20x1,2 Tube 40x20x1,5
Ukraine, Vinnytsia Oblast', Vinnytsya
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Steel pipe rectangular 15x15
negotiated  sale
TD Metallstroy sells from stock:Tube 15x15x1,2 Tube 15x15x1,5 Tube 15x15x2 Stock. There is a pipe of other sizes. Affordable prices. Cutting is possible. Delivery in Ukraine by transport companies SAT Delivery,
Ukraine, Vinnytsia Oblast', Vinnytsya
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Pipe hot rolled f 102-377 mm
negotiated  sale
TD Metallstroy sells from stock: Pipe 102х 4 Pipe 102х 4,5 Pipe 102х 6 Pipe 108х 4,5 Pipe 108х 5 Pipe 108х 6 Pipe 114х 4 Pipe 114х 5 Pipe 114х 6 Pipe 121х 8 Pipe 127х 5 Pipe 127х 6 Pipe 133х 5 Pipe 133х 6
Ukraine, Vinnytsia Oblast', Vinnytsya
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Pipe hot rolled f 51-89 mm
negotiated  sale
TD Metallstroy sells from stock:Pipe 51x3 Pipe 57х 3 Pipe 57х 3,5 Pipe 57х 4 Pipe 57х 6 Pipe 60х3 Pipe 60х3.5 Pipe 60h4 Pipe 76х 4 Pipe 76х 6 Pipe 76х3 Pipe 76х3,5 Pipe 89х 3,5 Pipe 89х 4 Pipe 89х 5 Pipe 89х
Ukraine, Vinnytsia Oblast', Vinnytsya
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Welded tube f 219-820 mm
negotiated  sale
TD Metallstroy sells from stock:Pipe 219х 4 Pipe 219х 4,5 Pipe 219х 5 Pipe 219х 6 Pipe 219х 7 Pipe 273х 5 Pipe 273х 6 Pipe 325х 6 Pipe 325х 8 Pipe 530х7 Pipe 530х8 Pipe 630х 8 Pipe 630х 9 Pipe 720х 9 Pipe
Ukraine, Vinnytsia Oblast', Vinnytsya
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