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Show: 2040100
Circle 12 measure from a warehouse in Kiev
negotiated  sale
Circle 12 measure (9,05 m) - 7165,00 UAH/t As Circle 12 measure (6,05 m) - 7165,00 UAH/t AS Circle 12 measure (6,05 m) - 7165,00 UAH/t PS Circle 12 measure (6,03 m) - 7165,00 UAH/t PS price negotiating is
Ukraine, Kyiv
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Sheet 3 (H. K.) 1.25 x 2,5 from a warehouse in Kiev (sell)
negotiated  sale
Sheet 3 (H. K.) 1.25 x 2,5 - 8865,00 UAH/t 1/PS Sheet 3 (H. K.) 1,h,51 - 8865,00 UAH/t 08KP Sheet 3 (H. K.) 1.25 x 2,5 - 8865,00 UAH/t 08KP price negotiating is possibleshipping throughout the territory of
Ukraine, Kyiv
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Sheet 2,5 ( H. K.) Art. 08KP 1.25 x 2,5 from a warehouse in Kiev (sell)
Sheet 2,5 ( H. K.) 1.25 x 2,5 - 8865,00 UAH/t 08KP Sheet 2,5 (H. K.) ) 1.25 x 2,5 - 8865,00 UAH/t 1/PS Sheet 2,5 (H. K.) 1,h,51 - 8865,00 UAH/t 1-PS price negotiating is possibledelivery across Ukraine
Ukraine, Kyiv
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Sheet 2 (H. K.) (1x2) from a warehouse in Kiev (sell)
negotiated  sale
Sheet 2 (H. K.) 1,h,01 - 7580,00 UAH/t PS Sheet 2 (H. K.) 1,h,01 - 7581,00 UAH/t 08 KP Sheet 2 (H. K.) 1,h,52 - 7580,00 UAH/t 1/PS Sheet 2 (H. K.) 1,h,51 - 7580,00 UAH/t 1/PS Sheet 2 (H. K.) 1,h,01 - 7580,00
Ukraine, Kyiv
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Sheet 1,2 (H. K.) Art. 08KP 1x2 from a warehouse in Kiev (sell)
negotiated  sale
Sheet 1,2 (H. K.) Art. 08KP 1,h,01 - 7735,00 UAH/t Sheet 1,2 (H. K.) Art. 08KP 1,h,0 - 7735,00 UAH/t Sheet 1,2 (H. K.) Art. 08KP 1,h,01 - 7735,00 UAH/t Sheet 1,2 (H. K.) Art. 08KP 1,h,0 - 7735,00 UAH/t price
Ukraine, Kyiv
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Sheet 1 (H. K.) 1x2 from a warehouse in Kiev (sell)
negotiated  sale
Sheet 1 (H. K.) 1,h,01 - 7735,00 UAH/t PS Sheet 1 (H. K.) 1,h,01 - 7735,00 UAH/t 1-PS Sheet 1 (H. K.) 1.25 x 2,5 - 7735,00 UAH/t 1/PS Sheet 1 (H. K.) 1.25 x 2,5 - 7735,00 UAH/t 08KP Sheet 1 (H. K.) 1,h,01 -
Ukraine, Kyiv
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Sheet 4 (rifle) 1,5x6 from a warehouse in Kiev (sell)
negotiated  sale
Sheet 4 (rifl) 1,h,01 - 7185,00 UAH/t PS Sheet 4 (rifl) 1,h - 7185,00 UAH/t PS Sheet 4 (rifl) 1,h - 7185,00 UAH/t PS Sheet 4 (rifl) 1,h - 7185,00 UAH/t 08KP Sheet 4 (rifl) 1,h,02 - 7185,00 UAH/t 08KP Sheet
Ukraine, Kyiv
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Sheet BES 6 1x2,6 from a warehouse in Kiev (sell)
negotiated  sale
Sheet BES 6 1x2,6 - 7585,00 UAH/t Sheet 6 BES 1x2,55 - 7585,00 UAH/t Sheet 6 BES 1.25 x 2,95 - 7585,00 UAH/t Sheet 6 BES 0,8x2,5 - 7585,00 UAH/t price negotiating is possibleshipping throughout the territory of
Ukraine, Kyiv
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Sheet BES 5 1x2 from a warehouse in Kiev (sell)
negotiated  sale
Sheet BES 5 1,h,1 - 7670,00 UAH/t Sheet BES 5 1,h,5 - 7670,00 UAH/t Sheet BES 5 1.25 x 2,51 - 7670,00 UAH/t Sheet BES 5 1,h,0 - 7670,00 UAH/t Sheet BES 5 1x2,1 - 7670,00 UAH/t Sheet BES 5 1x2,2 - 7670,00 UAH/t
Ukraine, Kyiv
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Leaves magnesium magnesium MA MA strip tape
140 UAH  sale
The magnesium sheets  There are in the presence of the magnesium sheets, various sizes from Hm Hm Hm. The thickness of mm to 16mm., brand magnesium MA ... ME. Can cut sheets for individual dimensions of
Ukraine, Kharkivs'ka Oblast', Kharkiv
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Sheet BES 4 1x2 from a warehouse in Kiev (sell)
negotiated  sale
Sheet BES 4 1,h,2 - 7670,00 UAH/t Sheet 4 BES 1x2,4 - 7670,00 UAH/t Sheet 4 BES 1x2,5 - 7670,00 UAH/t Sheet 4 BES 1x2,8 - 7670,00 UAH/t Sheet 4 BES 1,h,0 - 7670,00 UAH/t Sheet 4 BES 1.25 x 2,9 - 7670,00 UAH/t
Ukraine, Kyiv
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Sheet BES 4 1v1 from a warehouse in Kiev (sell)
negotiated  sale
Sheet BES 4 1,h,1 - 7670,00 UAH/t Sheet 4 BES 1,h,1 - 7670,00 UAH/t Sheet 4 BES 1,h,2 - 7670,00 UAH/t Sheet 4 BES 1x2,5 - 7670,00 UAH/t 08ps Sheet 4 BES 1,2x3,0 - 7670,00 UAH/t PS price negotiating is possibleshipping
Ukraine, Kyiv
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The sheet of 1.5 (galvanized) 1.25 x 2,5 from a warehouse in Kiev (sell)
negotiated  sale
Sheet 1,5 (est) 1.25 x 2,51 - 9497,26 UAH/t 08KP The sheet of 1.5 (est) 1,h,01 - 9497,26 UAH/t 08ps The sheet of 1.5 (est) 1.25 x 2,5 - 9497,26 UAH/t 08ps The sheet of 1.5 (est) 1x2 - 9497,26 UAH/t 08 SS
Ukraine, Kyiv
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Sheet 1 (OC) 1.25 x 2,5 from a warehouse in Kiev (sell)
negotiated  sale
Sheet 1 (est) 1,h,51 - 9495,00 UAH/t 08ps Sheet 1 (OC) 1,h,01 - 9495,00 UAH/t 08ps Sheet 1 (OC) 1,h,51 - 9497,26 UAH/t 08 SS Sheet 1 (OC) 1x2 - 9495,00 UAH/t 08ps price negotiating is possibleshipping throughout
Ukraine, Kyiv
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The sheet 20 (G. K.) 1,5x6 from a warehouse in Kiev (sell)
negotiated  sale
The sheet 20 (G. K.) 1,5x6 - 6610,00 UAH/t SP The sheet 20 (G. K.) 2x6 - 6610,00 UAH/t SP The sheet 20 (G. K.) 2,h,02 - 6610,00 UAH/t SP The sheet 20 (G. K.) 1,h,02 - 6610,00 UAH/t SP The sheet 20, K. 2x6
Ukraine, Kyiv
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Package steel strip 20 x 0,8 12,7 * 0,58 15 88 x 0.51 20 x 0,72
15.7 UAH  sale
Package steel strip  Tape metal GOST 19851-74. There are in the presence of the tape in the following sizes: Width x Thickness, 20 x 0.8 mm 12.7 x 0,58 mm 15,88 x 0.51 mm 20x0,72mm. Specific the strength of
Ukraine, Vinnytsia Oblast', Vinnytsya
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The sheet 12 (G. K.) 1,5x6 from a warehouse in Kiev (sell)
negotiated  sale
The sheet 12 (G. K.) 1,5x6 6610,00 PS The sheet 12 (G. K.) 1,5x6 6610,00 SP The sheet 12 (G. K.) 1,h,02 6610,00 1-3 PS The sheet 12(G. K.) 2,h,0 6610,00 PS bargaining can be delivered throughout the territory of
Ukraine, Kyiv
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Tube of rectangular aluminum AD31 aluminum AD31 20 * 20 * 1,5 30 x 30 x 2 80 100 25
10.8 UAH  sale
The rectangular pipe aluminum Sell aluminum Prampolini pipe, brand aluminum AD31. There is a wide selection, select the desired size and the wall thickness. The price of the pipe depends on the order quantity.
Ukraine, Zhytomyrs'ka Oblast', Zhytomyr
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Sheet 8 (G. K.) 1,5x4 from a warehouse in Kiev (sell)
Sheet 8 (G. K.) 1,h 6640,00 UAH/t (SP) Sheet 8 (G. K.) 1,5x6 6640,00 UAH/t (PS) Sheet 8 (G. K.) 2x6 6610,00 UAH/t (SP) Sheet 8 (G. K.) 2,h 6610,00 UAH/t (SP) price negotiating is possibledelivery of vwsa the
Ukraine, Kyiv
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Pipe round aluminum AD31 aluminum 16 x 1.5 18 x 3 30 32 35 50
12.6 UAH  sale
The round aluminum pipe Sell round pipe, grade aluminium AD31. There is a wide selection, select the desired size and wall thickness. Price on the pipe depends on the order quantity. Also we accept applications for
Ukraine, Khmel'nyts'ka Oblast', Khmel'nyts'kyy
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