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Pipe n/f 60.3x2 HF
negotiated  sale
Pipe n/W tig h Pipe n/W tig h Pipe n/W h CT b/y Pipe n/f 60.H,6 HF AISI 304 Pipe n/f 60.3x2 HF Pipe n/f 60.3x2.5 HF Pipe n/f 60.3x3 HF Pipe n/W h Pipe n/W h,5 Pipe n/W tig h Pipe n/W h CT Pipe n/W h,0 AISI
Ukraine, Kyiv
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Pipe stainless steel
negotiated  sale
Pipe n/W 50,8x1.5 HF 600 GRIT AISI316 Pipe n/W AISI 50.8x1.5 304 600 grit HF Pipe n/W AISI 50.8x1.5 304 HF Pipe n/W 50.8x1.5 b/y Pipe n/W HF h Pipe n/W h CT b/y Pipe n/W h CT b/y Pipe n/W h CT Pipe n/W h
Ukraine, Kyiv
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Pipe range
negotiated  sale
Pipe n/W h Pipe n/W 43x1.5 CT Pipe n/W h.5 400 grit Pipe n/W HF h AISI304 Pipe n/W h CT Pipe n/W h CT Pipe n/f 48.3x2 HF Pipe n/W tig 48.3x2 Pipe n/W tig 48.3x2.5 Pipe n/f 48.3x3 HF Pipe n/W tig 48.3x3.2 Pipe
Ukraine, Kyiv
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Pipe n/W h HF AISI 304
negotiated  sale
Pipe n/W tig h.5 Pipe n/W HF 40/2 Pipe n/W 40/2 CT b/y Pipe n/W h HF 600 GRIT AISI 304 Pipe n/W h HF AISI 304 Pipe n/W h,5 Pipe n/f 42.4x1,6 304 320 GRIT HF Pipe n/W AISI 42.4x1.5 304 HF 600 grit Pipe n/f
Ukraine, Kyiv
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Stainless steel pipe in Kiev
negotiated  sale
Pipe n/f 33.H.2 Pipe n/W h.5 Pipe n/W h.5 CT Pipe n/W h,5 CT Pipe n/W h.5 Din 11850 Pipe n/W h.5 HF 400 GRIT AISI304 Pipe n/W h.5 HF 600 GRIT AISI304 Pipe n/W h.5 HF 600 GRIT AISI316 Pipe n/W tig h.5 Pipe
Ukraine, Kyiv
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Welding equipment ESAB, Lincoln Electric, LTC in Ukraine
negotiated  sale
LLC Trading House "NISA" offers: Welding equipment for TIG, MMA, МIG/MAG welding, automatic equipment, systems plasma welding and cutting equipment, accessories, consumables and burners (МIG, TIG, PLAZMA). +38(044)2422183
Ukraine, Kyiv
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Pipe n/f 33.H HF
negotiated  sale
Pipe n/W h.5 tig Pipe n/W 32x3 CT Pipe n/W 32x3,5 CT Pipe n/W h CT Pipe n/W h CT Pipe n/W h CT Pipe n/f 33.H HF Pipe n/f 33.H tig Pipe n/f 33.H.6 tig Pipe n/f 33.H AISI 304 HF
Ukraine, Kyiv
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Pipe n/W magnetic
negotiated  sale
Pipe n/W h CT Pipe n/W h.5 Pipe n/W h CT Pipe n/W h CT/cut Pipe n/W tig h.5 Pipe n/W h tig 600 grit AISI 304 Pipe n/W h CT Pipe n/W h CT magnetic Pipe n/W h.5 HF
Ukraine, Kyiv
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Pipe n/W h.2 tig
negotiated  sale
Pipe n/W h.5 CT Pipe n/W h,5 201 HF 600 grit Pipe n/W tig h.2 Pipe n/W AISI h.5 304 HF Pipe n/W tig h.5 Pipe n/W tig h.5 AISI 304 600 GRIT Pipe n/W HF h Pipe n/W tig h Pipe n/W h tig 600 grit AISI 304
Ukraine, Kyiv
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Pipe n/W AISI 410
negotiated  sale
Pipe n/W of the polishing CH.5 Pipe n/W h.5 CT/used Pipe n/W tig h Pipe n/W h CT Pipe n/W tig 26.H Pipe n/f 26.H.5 Pipe n/W tig 26.H.6 Pipe n/W AISI 26.9x3 304 HF Pipe n/W h CT Pipe n/W h.5 320 grit Pipe n/W
Ukraine, Kyiv
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Pipe n/W tig h
negotiated  sale
Pipe n/W h.5 HF AISI 201 600 GRIT Pipe n/W tig h.5 Pipe n/W h.5 tig 600 GRIT AISI 304 Pipe n/W HF h Pipe n/W tig h Pipe n/W h the polishing. Pipe n/W h CT Pipe n/W h.5 Pipe n/W h.5 600 grit Pipe n/W tig h.5
Ukraine, Kyiv
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Pipe Italy
negotiated  sale
Pipe n/W h.5 tig 600 GRIT AISI304 Pipe n/W tig h.5 AISI 304 Pipe n/W 20X2 tig Pipe n/W h CT Pipe n/W tig 21.3x2 Pipe n/f 21.3x2,6 Pipe n/f 21.3x2,6 tig Pipe n/W h,5 Pipe n/W h CT Pipe n/W h,5 CT
Ukraine, Kyiv
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Pipe black, n/W
negotiated  sale
Pipe n/W pipe 16x2 CT Pipe n/W h HF AISI 304 600 GRIT Pipe n/W h.2 HF AISI 304 600 GRIT Pipe n/W tig h.5 Pipe n/W h.5 304 tig Pipe n/W h.5 CT Pipe n/W h CT Pipe n/W h 201 600 grit Pipe n/W h 304 600 grit Pipe
Ukraine, Kyiv
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Pipe n/W tig
negotiated  sale
Pipe n/W 14x1.5 HF 400 GRIT AISI304 Pipe n/W tig 14x1.5 Pipe n/W tig h Pipe n/W h CT Pipe n/W h,5 CT Pipe n/W 16x1 CT Pipe n/W 16x1,5 HF 600 GRIT AISI 304 Pipe n/W 16x1,5 HF 600 GRIT AISI 316 Pipe n/W 16x1.4
Ukraine, Kyiv
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Pipe n/W AISI 304, 321
negotiated  sale
Pipe n/W h Pipe n/W 8h0.5 Pipe n/8x1 W HF AISI 201 600 GRIT Pipe n/W 8x1 tig Pipe n/8x1 W CT Pipe n/W h 400 grit Pipe n/W tig h Pipe n/W h.25 HF 400 GRIT AISI304
Ukraine, Kyiv
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Hexagon h/W AISI 304
negotiated  sale
Hexagon n/W 8 mm AISI304 Hex n/W 8 mm Bay Hexagon h/W 9 mm AISI304 Hexagon h/W 10 mm AISI304 Hexagon h/W 11 mm AISI304 Hexagon h/W 12 mm AISI304 Hexagon h/W 14 mm AISI304 Hexagon h/W 17 mm AISI304 Hexagon h/W
Ukraine, Kyiv
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Area n/W equal
negotiated  sale
Area n/W HH mm AISI304 Area n/W HH mm AISI304 Area n/W HH mm AISI304 Area n/W HH mm AISI304 Area n/W HH mm AISI304 Area n/W HH mm AISI304 Area n/mm GHG AISI304
Ukraine, Kyiv
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Circle n/W Art. IN
negotiated  sale
Circle n/a W 75 mm AISI304 Circle n/W 80 mm AISI304 Circle n/W 85 mm AISI304 Circle n/W 90 mm AISI304 Circle n/W 93 mm AISI304 Circle n/W 95 mm AISI304 Circle n/W 96 mm 08X22H6T Circle n/W 100 mm AISI304 Circle
Ukraine, Kyiv
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circle n/W Art. 081810
negotiated  sale
Circle n/W 22 mm AISI 304 Circle n/W 25 mm AISI 304 Circle n/W 25 mm AISI 304 Circle n/W 28 mm AISI 304 Circle n/W 30 mm AISI 304 Circle n/W 32 mm AISI 304 Circle n/W 35 mm AISI 304 Circle n/W 36 mm AISI 304
Ukraine, Kyiv
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Circle n/W AISI 304
negotiated  sale
Circle n/W of 10 mm AISI 304 Circle n/a W 12 mm AISI 304 Circle n/W 14 mm AISI 304 Circle n/W 16 mm dark Circle n/W 16 mm AISI 304 Circle n/W 18 mm AISI 304 Circle n/W 19 mm AISI 304 Circle n/W 20 mm AISI
Ukraine, Kyiv
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