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Galvanized steel coil
Strip galvanized price depends on sizes: Roll galvanized (1000;1250) 0,3 Roll galvanized (1000;1250) 0,35 Roll galvanized (1000;1250) 0,38 Roll galvanized (1000;1250) 0,4 Roll galvanized (1000;1250) 0,42 Roll
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Tape of 0.05-1 AMG,Aluminum tape,Kiev,Ukraine
negotiated  sale
Aluminum tape is 0.05-1 AMG; AMTSM; AD1N; AMAluminum tape 0,08125 A5Aluminum tape is 0.1-3 0.5 to 1.2 AD1N; Amtsn2; VD1AMAluminum tape 0,h 1,h,3 APM; A5Aluminum tape 0,2-0,h color.,mirror and other AMG; NC
Ukraine, Kyiv Oblast'
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Tape 0,01 AMC,Aluminum tape ,Kiev,Ukraine
negotiated  sale
Aluminum tape 0,01 AMCAluminum tape 0,01 A0Aluminum tape 0,01 1105AMAluminum tape 0,01 AD Aluminum tape 0,01 A7Aluminum tape 0,01 AD1NAluminum tape 0,01 VD1AMAluminum tape 0.01 AMG
Ukraine, Kyiv Oblast'
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Sheet 6 AD1M,Aluminiy sheet 6,Kiev,Ukraine
negotiated  sale
Sheet aluminum 6*1200*3000 AD1MSheet aluminum 6*1200*3000 D16AMSheet aluminum 6*1200*3000 AMG3MSheet aluminum 6*1200*3000 D16ATSheet aluminum 6*1200*3000 AMG6BMA sheet of aluminum 8*1200*3000 AMG3MA sheet of
Ukraine, Kyiv Oblast'
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Sheet 4 AD1M ,Aluminium sheet,Kiev,Ukaine
negotiated  sale
Sheet aluminum 4*1200*3000 D16AMSheet aluminum 4*1200*3000 D16ATSheet aluminum 4*1200*3000 AMG6BMSheet aluminum 4*1200*3000 AMG3MSheet aluminum 4*1200*3000 D16TSheet aluminum 4*1200*3000 AD1MA sheet of aluminum
Ukraine, Kyiv Oblast'
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Sheet 2,5 AMG6BM,Aluminum sheet,Kiev,Ukraine
negotiated  sale
A sheet of aluminum 2,5*1200*3000 AMG6BMA sheet of aluminum 2,5*1200*3000 AMTSMSheet aluminum is 2.5*1000*2000 AMG2MA sheet of aluminum 2,5*1200*3000 D16ATA sheet of aluminum 3*1200*3000 D16AMA sheet of
Ukraine, Kyiv Oblast'
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Sheet 2 AMG6BM,Aluminium sheet,Kiev Ukraine
negotiated  sale
A sheet of aluminum 2*1200*3000 AMG6BMA sheet of aluminum 2*1200*3000 AD1MA sheet of aluminum 2*1200*3000 D16AMA sheet of aluminum 2*1200*3000 D16ATA sheet of aluminum 2*1200*3000 AMG3MA sheet of aluminum 2*1500*4000
Ukraine, Kyiv Oblast'
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Sheet 1,5 AMG6BM,Aluminum sheet,Kiev,Ukraine
negotiated  sale
Sheet aluminum 1.5*1200*3000 AMG6BMSheet aluminum 1.5*1500*4000 D16AMSheet aluminum 1.5*1500*4000 AMG2MSheet aluminum 1.5*1200*4000 D16AMSheet aluminum 1.5*1200*3000 AD1MSheet aluminum 1.5*1200*3000 AD1NSheet aluminum
Ukraine, Kyiv Oblast'
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Sheet ADN, Aluminum sheet,Kiev,Ukraine
negotiated  sale
The aluminum sheet 1*1200*3000 AD1NThe aluminum sheet 1*1200*3000 AMTSMThe aluminum sheet 1*1200*3000 M AMGThe aluminum sheet 1*1500*4000 AMG2MThe aluminum sheet 1*1200*3000 AD1MThe aluminum sheet 1*1200*3000 D16TThe
Ukraine, Kyiv Oblast'
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Sheet 0,8 AD1N Aluminum sheet,Kiev,Ukraine
0,8*1200*3000 D16AMSheet aluminium 0,8*1200*3000 AD1NSheet aluminium 0,8*1200*3000 D16ATSheet aluminium 0,8*1200*3000 M AMGSheet aluminium 0,8*1200*3000 AMTSMSheet aluminium 0,8*1200*3000 AD1M
Ukraine, Kyiv Oblast'
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The sheet of 0.5 AD1N, Aluminii sheet,Kiev,Ukraine
negotiated  sale
A sheet of aluminum of 0.5*1200*3000 AD1NA sheet of aluminum of 0.5*1200*3000 AMG2MA sheet of aluminum of 0.5*1200*3000 AMTSMA sheet of aluminum of 0.5*1200*3000 D16ATA sheet of aluminum of 0.5*1200*3000 AD1MA
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The pipe h/W profile AISI 304
negotiated  sale
sell Pipe h/W profile AISI 304 15x15; 16x16; 20x20; 25x25; h; 30x30; 30x20; h; h; 40x40; h; with the size 50x30; 50-50; 60x30; 60x40; 60x60; 80 x 40; 80x80; 100x50; 100x100; h x wall 1-4mm Reasonable prices,flexible
Ukraine, Kyiv
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galvanized coils price
Dip the roll meets state Standards, which is a guarantee of high quality. Here You can buy a roll of galvanized steel, galvanized sheet metal, galvanized strips as wholesale and retail. Delivery in Ukraine.
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galvanized sheet 2 mm
In stock and on order of galvanized sheet mm reveal Hm In the presence of from 0.3 mm to 2 mm and reveal him and him In the presence and under the order galvanized coils as domestic producers and imported. Delivery
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sell galvanized sheet
Sell galvanized sheet wholesale, galvanized steel coil, galvanized strips... Classified of galvanized sheet according to the method of production of hot-rolled and cold-rolled, by type of product sheets and
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galvanized strips price
galvanized strip is a steel strip, which is manufactured from a roll of galvanized steel by cutting on special equipment. Its name steel tape received from the English word "strip" means a strip or ribbon. Galvanized
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sheet steel galvanized
Sheet steel galvanized comes from the presence and under the order, wholesale and retail, at competitive prices. Shipped galvanized steel sheet as packs and separate leaves. steel sheet can be bought from
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galvanized sheet Ukraine
Our company sells galvanized sheet steel on the territory of Ukraine. the galvanized steel sheet is produced from steel grades St0, St1, ST2, St3 all degrees deoxidation according to DSTU 2651-94 (GOST 380-94);
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galvanized strips
galvanized steel coil raspushaetsya of the strip thickness from 0.3 mm to 2.0 mm, a width of a maximum of 1250 mm Our company is the implementation of: a roll of galvanized steel sheet in coils, hot-rolled sheet
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sheet OC
Our company sells galvanized sheet wholesale and retail, galvanized steel coils, strip. The galvanized steel sheet is used in many industries, particularly in construction and manufacturing of metal structures. Sheet
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