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Gifts, Souvenirs, presents to loved ones and friends stained glass Studio "Wave".
200 UAH  sale
A beautiful stained glass window or mirror, panels, picture, portrait,emerald jewelry, watches made handmade from glass or glass adequately replaces the ordinary stamped gifts. Give our products to your loved
Ukraine, Kyiv Oblast', Bila Tserkva
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The manufacture of mirrors, mirrors for integer, mirrors for cabinets.
negotiated  sale
The mirror has long been customary and necessary household items. Form and the size of the mirrors may be different. it all depends on the willingness of the customer and the interior of the premises in
Ukraine, Kyiv Oblast', Bila Tserkva
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Pneumatic transport for fish, meat, grain flour with cooling function
6 450 $  sale
Produced Installation pneumatic, designed for cooling fish, meat and bone meal, milk powder, egg powder when you install them after the mill. Performance: 55 - 800 kg of flour per hour. Price from 6450 to
Ukraine, Chernihivs'ka Oblast', Nizhyn
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Milk powder, egg powder, dried juice, fertilizer drying facilities Techno-T
8 840 $  sale
Produce new and we select for You the former in the use, repair drying plants for the production of dry milk, juice, withstap wrenches, caseandon, fertilizers, egg powder by evaporation in a vacuum evaporator plant
Ukraine, Chernihivs'ka Oblast', Nizhyn
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The goats.Goats breeding. The goat. Panenska,Lamancha.Obtrusive kids.To mating.
negotiated  sale
Kids panenska, La Mancha and mongrels. Goats adult breeding: santec, lamancha, for mating and sales.Goats adults. Record on kids started lambing. Abazajian your kids up to 9 days. In regions of Ukraine Information.
Ukraine, Kyiv
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RTI and spare parts for agricultural machinery wholesale and retail
negotiated  sale
Technical, sleeve, belts, chains, conveyor belts, tape headers, reinforced cuffs, optional High quality. Low prices.   Sell from a warehouse in the White Church: - conveyor belt; - tape header; - technical; -
Ukraine, Kyiv Oblast', Bila Tserkva
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Emergency glazing Windows, installation of Windows, replacement glass
Fabrication and replacement of glass 8(495) 647-97-57. Cutting glass large format delivery and installation. Glazing shops of the storefronts and facades. Installation of Windows and glazing large format to
Russian Federation, Moskovskaya Oblast', Moscow
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Emergency replacement of glass, glass cutting, shipping, Moscow and the Moscow region
The group companies ARTStrelka will perform: Fabrication and replacement of glass 8(495) 647-97-57. Cutting glass 6,8,10,12 mm (large format) delivery and installation. Glazing shops of the storefronts and
Russian Federation, Moskovskaya Oblast', Moscow
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Children bunk bed "RIO"
Furniture factory from the Moscow region released a bunk bed for children "Rio" on the metal frame in the colors: orange, green, blue and facades from Sergeev-Posad Spending: orange, green, blue, wenge, oak
Russian Federation, Moskovskaya Oblast', Moscow
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Banquettes Grand Quality
Elegant and comfortable banquettes from factory Grand quality" (G. barrow) hall. Proven design, that's what determines the success of the benches from Grand quality". In the presence of benches as the place
Russian Federation, Moskovskaya Oblast', Moscow
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Nursery Combi Furniture Neman ®
Kids furniture "Combi" with chipboard staircase, is a continuation of the successful series of children's beds attic "M 85" made "Mebel-Neman" chipboard. Body color: birch c façade lime color, edge mm Furniture
Russian Federation, Moskovskaya Oblast', Moscow
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Bedroom Lotus Mebel-Neman ®
We offer to Your attention a new bedroom Lotus from Furniture Neman! Color: the film on MDF white and pear glaze. The best combination of reasonable price and excellent quality! But to minimize costs will
Russian Federation, Moskovskaya Oblast', Moscow
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Crusher opalkova, deport, drying the solid, briquetting press
2 000 $  sale
Techno-T produces crusher opalkova TO-15, p- roizvoditelnost up to 1.5 t/h, motor power 22 kW, the final fraction cutting - 1-5 mm; deport for timber and branches, proizvoditelnost to 18 cubic meters/hour, power
Ukraine, Chernihivs'ka Oblast', Nizhyn
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The drying unit, drum, solid fuel, for bards, grain, sawdust, peat, tarsi
70 000 $  sale
Plant Techno-T (, Niin Chernigivska region) produces a line of dewatering and drying of distillery stillage, spent grains, wood chips, tirsi, peat, sugar beet pulp, bran, grated vegetables, crushed and unthreshed
Ukraine, Chernihivs'ka Oblast', Nizhyn
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Sprayers ORB, VRA sluice gates,components for drying milk
8 500 $  sale
Plant Techno-T" (, Niin, Chernigivske region of Ukraine) produces, repairs and offers all modification of nozzles VRAand ORB for drying milk, their components (disks, shafts, oil system, etc.). The sprayer is
Ukraine, Chernihivs'ka Oblast', Nizhyn
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Замовити дрова рубані колоті ціна Горохів
Ми займаємося продажем рубаних дров не перший рік, постійно на протязі року. Придбати мішані дрова дуба, вільхи, граба, берези, ясена у необмеженій кількості в Горохові, Горохівському районі: Марковичі, Борочиче,
Ukraine, Volyns'ka Oblast', Horokhiv
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Дрова для опалення Горохів Дрова для котла
Продаємо дрова для твердопаливних котлів, грубок, камінів. У нас ви можете купити дрова за найкращими цінами із доставкою Горохів, Горохівський район, Луцьк Луцький район. Дрова мінімальне замовлення 8
Ukraine, Volyns'ka Oblast', Horokhiv
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Торфобрикет купити низька ціна на Брикет в Ківерцях
Шукаєте де купити торфобрикет Дрова? Звертайтесь до нас. Продаємо дрова рубані, колоті, чурки різані 35-40см, торфобрикет. Ціна залежить від об’єму замовлення та місця доставки. Доставка Ківерці, Рожище, Торчин,
Ukraine, Volyns'ka Oblast', Kivertsi
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Купити торфобрикет дрова Ківерці вигідно
 Займаємося виробництвом, продажем дрова чурки різані 35-40см., дрова рубані. Реалізуємо торфобрикет з Маневицького торфобрикетного заводу. Доставка Ківерці, Рожище, Луцьк, Луцький район. Наші переваги: 100%
Ukraine, Volyns'ka Oblast', Kivertsi
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Дрова колоті твердої породи Рожище
Продаємо дрова для твердопаливних котлів, грубок, камінів. У нас ви можете купити дрова за найкращими цінами із доставкою Рожище, Рожищенський район. Дрова мінімальне замовлення 8 складометрів (5,6 куба) чесний
Ukraine, Volyns'ka Oblast', Rozhyshche
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