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Buy valve peak and peak plates of all types at the best price in any quantity expensive and spare parts for compressors
negotiated  buy
Buy Expensive valves PEAK(inventory and stock): PIC 110-2,5 SONGS, PIC 110-4,0 SONGS, PIC 125-0,4 SONGS, PIC 125-0,4 BM PIC 125-0,4 ALM PIC 125-0,4 BLM PIC 125-1,0 a BM PIC 125-1,0 BLM PEAK 125-2,125-4 PEAK
Ukraine, Kharkivs'ka Oblast', Kharkiv
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Buy a lubricator station lubrication pump and сн5м NP 500 on the most favorable terms expensive BU Station lubricants multi-SN-5M НП500 ... (station
negotiated  buy
Buy a lubricator station lubrication pump and сн5м NP 500 on the most favorable terms expensive BU Station lubricants multi-SN-5M НП500 ... (station lubricants , lubricators 11-08 , 12-08 21-08 , 22-08 Lubricating
Ukraine, Kharkivs'ka Oblast', Kharkiv
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Buy KS 7141 valve, buy valve KS-7141 with storage expensive
negotiated  buy
Buy KS 7141 valve, buy valve KS-7141 with storage expensive Buy valve KS 7142, buy valve KS-7142 with storage expensive Buy KS 7143 valve, buy valve KS-7143 with storage expensive Buy valve KS 7144, buy valve
Ukraine, Zaporiz'ka Oblast', Zaporizhia
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Insulated glass line Lisec 2000 X 2500 with gas pressure and sealing robot
Insulated glass line Lisec 2000 X 2500 Direction: from the left to the right. 2008 release. Composition: 1. Sign in washing machine 2. Washing 3. The output of the washer, 4. Station overlay frames, 5. The
Ukraine, Kyiv Oblast', Kyiv
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Insulated glass line Lisec 2500 X 3500 robot seal
Insulated glass line Lisec 2500 X 3500 robot seal. The direction from right to left. 2004 release. The line: 1. Sign in washing machine RTVB 2. Washing low-e, VHW-25/6M, 6 brushes for low-e 3. Output sink
Ukraine, Kyiv Oblast', Kyiv
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Станки, прессы, гильотины, вальцы, ножницы, листогибы, трубогибы, молоты.Испытательные, разрывные пр
negotiated  продам
  Станки: Сверлильные. Токарные.  Фрезерные. Зубофрезерные и зубообрабатывающие, зубонарезные. Шлифовальные. Расточные.  Автоматы, полуавтоматы. Долбежные,  строгальные станки. Ножницы гильотинные.  Трубогибы, гибочные
Russian Federation, Moskovskaya Oblast', Barvikha
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Насосы Д1250-125, Д315, Д200. Колёса Д1250-63,Д630,Д500
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 Насосы Д1250-125, Д315, Д200 в наличии без эл.дв.  Колёса Д1250-63,Д630,Д500 на складе.Самовывоз
Russian Federation, Moskovskaya Oblast', Lotoshino
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Насосы ГрАТ(К), ПГН63, ПБ100,П,ПРВП63 грунтовые, песковые
negotiated  продам
 Насосы грунтовые и песковые (шламовые) без электродвигателей:ГрАТ-700/40 (только корпус без раб колеса), ГрАТ-900/67, ГрАК-170/40-1-1,6, ПБ100/31,5,  ПРВП-63/22,5, П12,5/12,5, ПГН63-22,5.Самовывоз 
Russian Federation, Moskovskaya Oblast', Lotoshino
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Электродвигатели 250,200,160,132,110,90,75,55,45 кВт в наличии
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 Электродвигатели аир, амн, ао, м ,мо, а 3,4ар, а, 5а, 1м3, амну,  (4,5,6)аму от 22 до 250 кВт.   Электродвигатели  вао, в, 2в, 3в, аим, аимм, врп, аиму, аимр, ва, аиу, вакр,  аимт от 2,2 до 132 кВт.   
Russian Federation, Moskovskaya Oblast', Lotoshino
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Насосы  СМ,СД,НС,АР,СЖ . Колесо СД800-32
negotiated  продам
 Насосы фекальные и дренажные без электродвигателей:СМ125-80-315/4, СМ100-65-200/4а, СМ100-65-200/2, СМ80-50-200, 2СМ80-50-200/2б,   НС100/40, СД100/40, СЖ20/30, НС70/80, СД50/56, СД50/10, АСВН-40/40(Сумской), СД25/14,
Russian Federation, Moskovskaya Oblast', Lotoshino
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Запчасти и  комплектующие
negotiated  продам
 Поставка и ремонт мостов, рудукторов, осей и деталей трансмиссии: рулевые тяги, коробки передач, бортовые редукторы, оси, полуоси, рем.комплекты цилиндров управления, втулки, сальники, ступицы, сателлиты, шкворни,
Russian Federation, Moskovskaya Oblast', Kubinka
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Разрывные машины, испытательные прессы
negotiated  продам
Press the dog-10, P-10, MS-100 (maximum load 100 kN / 10t) Press the dog-50, P-50, MC-500 (max. a load of 500 kN / 50t) Press the MC-1000 (the maximum load 1000 kN / 100T) Press PMM-125 ACP-125, P-125(the maximum
Russian Federation, Moskovskaya Oblast', Zvenigorod
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Куплю компрессор 4ВУ1-5/9
Нужны компрессоры марки 4ВУ1-5/9. Компрессоры интересны как с хранения, так и б/у по адекватной цене. Комплектация - любая! По всем предложениям: 1) Высылайте фотографии на электронную почту; 2) Высылайте желаемую
Republic of Belarus, Minsk
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Cast iron stove (stove) stove. Collapsible. Of the USSR. New.
6 000 UAH  продам
Stove (oven) cast iron, stove collapsible production of the USSR. Stove factory. Stove Soviet times. Stove new, not used. Stove for heating and cooking. The size of the stove: length 35 cm, width 28 cm, height
Ukraine, Kyiv
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Stove cast iron. Stove cast iron 1 burner. New
10 000 UAH  продам
Stove cast iron 1 burner. Stove collapsible. Stove has ribs for space heating. The new stove (not used). Stove cottage. Stove to give. Stove for heating and cooking. The size of the stove: length 39 cm, width
Ukraine, Kyiv
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The cast iron stove. Stove 1 burner. Oven collapsible. New
7 000 UAH  продам
The cast iron stove. Stove 1 burner. Oven robbery. Stove new, not used. Stove for heating and cooking. The size of the stove: length 29 cm, width 26 cm, height 59 cm, pipe diameter 8.6 cm, weight 48 kg Stove
Ukraine, Kyiv
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Cast iron stove. stove surface 57. New.
6 000 UAH  продам
Cast iron stove. Stove SURFACE 57. Furnace new (storage). Cast iron stove stove round. Stove army. Never was in operation. Stove for space heating and heating of food. The dimensions of the oven: height 54
Ukraine, Kyiv
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Cast iron stove (stove) stove 1 burner. Collapsible. The USSR
7 000 UAH  продам
Stove (oven) cast iron cottage. stove 1 burner. Collapsible. Stove for heating and cooking. Stove Soviet. stove to give. stove cottage. The size of the stove: length 46 cm, width 26 cm, height 33 see pipe
Ukraine, Kyiv
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The small stove. Stove cast iron 1 burner folding. New. of the USSR.
12 000 UAH  продам
Stove cast iron 1 burner. Stove collapsible. the stove with a small defect (photo 4). Stove has ribs for space heating. The new stove (not used). The stove has a damper on the chimney. Stove cottage. Stove
Ukraine, Kyiv
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The small stove. The cast iron stove 2 burners. Oven collapsible. New. of the USSR.
7 500 UAH  продам
The cast iron stove. Kiln cottage. Stove with 2 burners. The small stove. Oven collapsible. Stove Soviet. Stove new, not used. Stove cottage. Oven to give. Stove for heating and cooking. The size of the stove
Ukraine, Kyiv
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