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Digital voltmeter ammeter DC 0-100V 10A
103 UAH  sale
Digital multi-meter to measure DC voltage in the range from 0 to 100 V and the DC current in the range from 0.0 to 10.0 A. For digital voltmeter ammeter need extra power from 3.5 to 30V, it can be a battery "Krona"
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Digital voltmeter DC us 0-33 In
62 UAH  sale
A digital voltmeter can measure DC voltage from 0 to 33 V. For the operation of a digital voltmeter need a supply in the range of 4.5 to 30 V. the unit powered from the measured voltage to 30 volts, if it
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Time relay W1209
104 UAH  sale
Cyclic programmable time switch is designed to disable or enable various consumers on the user-defined cycle. The timer has LED display with three digits, the led indicator of the relay, three buttons for
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Sell water pump high pressure ЦВК4-112 features
negotiated  sale
Sell water pump high pressure ЦВК4-112 features Pokazatelemvysokogo (nomin.), m3/am14:.4Напор, м112Мощность consumed by the pump (max.), кВт17Частота of rotation, Rev/мин2950Частота rotation, с149Давление at
Ukraine, Dnipropetrovska Oblast', Dnipropetrovsk
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Crane scales OCS 3t 6500 USD. there are 5 and 10t 7100-11000 USD.
6 500 UAH  sale
Crane (suspended) scales proved itself among the enterprises of Ukraine. These crane the scales are used in almost all industries. The scale on the crane is designed for static weighing of any goods under loading
Ukraine, Kyiv
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Underfloor convector Carrera S2(C2)-Inox/Black 90 / 120mm, two of the heat exchanger.
negotiated  sale
Underfloor convector Carrera | Carrera S2(C2)-Inox/Black 90/120 is a continuation in the lineup of a trench convector with natural convection. This convector has large rates of heat transfer, due to their structural
Ukraine, Kyiv
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Underfloor convector Carrera | Carrera 4S Black 120mm, natural convection
negotiated  sale
Underfloor convector Carrera | Carrera 4S Black 120mm, with natural convection, has a built-in correctronic copper-aluminum heat exchanger that gives the best rates of heat transfer in comparison with other
Ukraine, Kyiv
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Underfloor convector Carrera SV2 (CV2) Inox/Black 90/120, forced convection
negotiated  sale
Underfloor convector Carrera | Carrera SV2(CV2))-Inox/Black 90/120, has two built-in copper-aluminum heat exchanger and tangential fan, due to which managed to reach high rates of heat transfer. This model
Ukraine, Kyiv
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Underfloor convector Carrera M(C)-Inox/Black 65 , natural convection
negotiated  sale
Underfloor convector Carrera | Carrera M(C)-Inox/Black 65 with natural convection, is the first in the entire lineup, and in view of its small size, has modest rates of heat transfer compared to more powerful
Ukraine, Kyiv
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Acrylic bathtubs Domani-Spa Russian-made wholesale
Quality plumbing at an affordable price of domestic production became a reality with the appearance on the market of products of the company DOMANI-SPA. Among the large range of products in constant demand are
Russian Federation, Sverdlovskaya Oblast', Yekaterinburg
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The vibropress for concrete blocks (FBS)
20 000 $  sale
The vibropress for concrete blocks UPB 24.The vibropress is high performance. At the heart of this installation lies the concept of self-propelled machine, providing its movement on solid horizontal surfaces according
Ukraine, Kharkivs'ka Oblast', Vovchans'k
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Petri dish CBN-2, 100*20mm Cup (biological ) ( price - 26 grn 1 piece ; 10 pieces - 200 UAH )
26 UAH  sale
Petri dish CBN-2, 100*20mm Cup (biological Application Designed for cultivation of microorganisms on nutrient dense environments and conduct professional laboratory testing. Can withstand thermal and chemical
Ukraine, Ternopil's'ka Oblast', Ternopil
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Turning-milling machining center Index G200
negotiated  sale
Turning and milling machining center INDEX G200. Manufactured INDEX with control system SINUMERIK 840 C. Year of release: 1993. Note: · the movement of the gun 1 with the X and Z axis: 120/400 mm? the movement
Ukraine, Kharkivs'ka Oblast', Chuhuyiv
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gas meters Elster BK - G16 and G16T
negotiated  sale
gas meters Elster BK- G16 and G16T   Company Technolux, Representative in Ukraine of the company "Elster-Instrometoffers diaphragm meters natural gas BK G 16 T -330 eu BK G 16 -260 eu NCH sensor INZ 61- 15
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gas meters Elster BK-G10 and G10T
negotiated  sale
gas meters Elster BK-G10 and G10T   Company Technolux, Representative in Ukraine of the company "Elster-Instrometoffers diaphragm meters natural gas BK T G 10 -230 eu BK G 10 – 200 eu NCH sensor INZ 61- 15
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The gas meter Elster BK-G6 and BK-G6T
negotiated  sale
The gas meter Elster BK-G6 and BK-G6T   The company , Technolux is a Representative on Ukraine company "Elster-Instrometoffers diaphragm meters natural gas BK G 6 T – 85 eu, BK G 6 – 50 eu, NCH sensor INZ
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the gas meter Elster BK-G4 and BK-G4T
negotiated  sale
the gas meter Elster BK-G4 and BK-G4T Company Technolux, which is the Representative in Ukraine of the company "Elster-Instromet", offers You diaphragm natural gas meters BK G 4 29 eu BK G 4 T – 32 eu NCH
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the gas meter Elster BK-G2.5 and BK-G2.5T
negotiated  sale
the gas meter Elster BK-G2.5 BK-G2.5T Company Technolux, Representative in Ukraine of the company "Elster-Instrometoffers diaphragm meters natural gas BK G 2.5 – 29 eu BK G 2.5 T – 32 eu NCH sensor INZ 61-
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the gas meter Elster BK-G1.6 and BK-G1.6T
negotiated  sale
the gas meter Elster BK-G1.6 to BK-G1.6T Company Technolux, Representative in Ukraine of the company "Elster-Instrometoffers diaphragm meters natural gas BK G 1.6 – 29 eu BK G 1.6 T – 32 eu NCH sensor INZ
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Elster gas meter G 1.6 T; 2.5 T; G 4T; G 6 T; 10T; 16T G
1 UAH  sale
Gas the meter is Elster G 1.6T; G 2.5T; G 4T; G 6 T; G 10T; G 16T Company Technolux Representative in Ukraine of the company "Elster-Instrometoffers diaphragm meters natural gas BK G 1.6 – 29 eu BK G 1.6
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