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Soft cookies with personalization

Offer type: servicesPublished: 17.04.2013
Seller:Smolenskij Timofej
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Address:Russian Federation, Moskovskaya Oblast', Moscow
Delicious and delicate gifts, such appetizing sets this biscuit cookies will be the perfect greeting for customers and business partners with any holiday. ADSWEETS - promotional Goodies offer Souvenirs biscuits in boxes that can be issued in a corporate style, attach a greeting card with a logo or other Souvenirs.
Lots of toppings, options pastry decor, tastes test enables you to select a range of advertising cookies gift for any recipient - whether romantic, dreamy woman or severe male, severe head or his subordinate. For the manufacture of sponge biscuits in boxes with logo uses only the best ingredients that makes these promotional Goodies truly exclusive corporate gifts!
The price depends on the quantity and personalization.