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The disc harrow DAG-2.5.AGD-2.5 N, 'AGDE-2.1,'AGDE-2.1 N

Offer type: salePublished: 08.07.2021
Seller:Otdel prodazh Agrosnab
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Here you can buy a disc harrows AGD-2,1 N; AGD is 2.5 H; AGD is 2.8 H; AGD-3.5 N. The price of disk harrows AGD. Disc harrows mounted AGD-2,1; AGD-2,5; AGD-2,8; AGD is 3.5. Disc harrows AGD used for subsurface soil to a depth of 8-20 cm Shuttle method with simultaneous loosening of blocks, leveling the soil surface and rolling. Especially effective when working on dry hard soils and slopes because not move the soil in the transverse direction, and make good money remains in the soil.
If You need to buy a harrows AGD - call us and we certainly agree on the terms of delivery, price, and date of shipment.