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Accounting outsourcing, accounting services Kiev for legal and physical persons

Offer type: servicesPublished: 07.12.2014
Seller:Kurtova Ol'ga
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Address:Ukraine, Kyiv Oblast'
Accounting services. Accounting services for legal entities and entrepreneurs. Full, comprehensive service. Accounting, drafting, and accounting. Qualitatively, in time, with no penalties, quality assurance and confidentiality.
Outsourcing company MK-Expert offers a wide range of services in accounting and tax accounting:
Outsourcing accounting services;
Accounting services;
Accounting support;
Tax support of the enterprise;
Accounting and tax accounting of legal entities;
Accounting and tax records of individuals;
Accounting the company as chief accountant;
Restoration of accounting and tax accounting;
Accounting and tax accounting;
The internal audit;
Consulting services on accounting and tax accounting;
The system of taxation of legal entities;
Tax system for individuals;
Tax audit of legal persons (training, support);
Tax audit from individuals (training, support);
Tax planning;
Minimization and optimization of taxes.
Professional team of experts. Quality legal and technical base.