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All Humira alimpta tyverb MabThera Revlimid vatran iressa Sprycel tasigna Herceptin Avastin Octagam sutent wife
All Humira alimpta tyverb MabThera Revlimid vatran iressa Sprycel tasigna Herceptin Avastin Octagam sutent Vfend CellCept, Myfortic Tarceva Temodal Remicade, Sebivo the Zoladex zometa Neoral Cancidas campto
Russian Federation, Moskovskaya Oblast', Moscow
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Ant Octagam tyverb Humira MabThera Valcyte Revlimid vatran iressa Sprycel tasigna Herceptin Avastin sutent wife
Ant Octagam tyverb Humira MabThera Valcyte Revlimid vatran iressa Sprycel tasigna Herceptin Avastin sutent Vfend CellCept, Myfortic Tarceva Temodal Remicade, Sebivo the Zoladex zometa Neoral Cancidas campto
Russian Federation, Moskovskaya Oblast', Moscow
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NewDETOX normalizes the hormonal system
NewDETOX normalizes the hormonal system Recommended for: •normalization of the hormonal status of the system, •normalization of high blood pressure, •normalization of the cardiovascular system (coronary heart
Ukraine, Kyiv Oblast', Kyiv
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De Press forte (De press Forte) helps to lower blood pressure,
De Press forte (De press Forte) helps to lower blood pressure, normalize cerebral and coronary circulation. A unique combination of plants in this product help to lower blood pressure, normalize cerebral and
Ukraine, Kyiv Oblast', Kyiv
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Inulina - detoxification of the body, normalization of liver function
Inulina - detoxification of the body, the normalization of the liver, gallbladder and intestines. Recommended to use in: •diseases of the pancreas - diabetes I and P-type and pancreatitis, diseases of the
Ukraine, Kyiv Oblast', Kyiv
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Fitoapteka MarketFito share March 2014
Fitoapteka MarketFito action March 2014. C 1-March 31, 2014, when you purchase our three units OOO NPP "PHYTOTECHNOLOGY" series "green valley" - the fourth of Your choice and get the free gift. This drugs such
Ukraine, Kyiv Oblast', Kyiv
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Matrona (Sepia Comp)
Matrona (Sepia Comp) Is a Homeopathic product eliminates the complications of women in the menopausal period. Matrona (Sepia Comp) helps to reduce irritability, feeling the heat and heartbeat, sweating,and excitation
Ukraine, Kyiv Oblast', Kyiv
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Anamol L
Anamol L "Sunmola-L" - (clear liquid) source active calcium and micronutrients such as copper, barium, zinc, magnesium, selenium, phosphorus, silicon, silver, Nickel, vanadium, iron, molybdenum, fluorine, chromium,
Ukraine, Kyiv Oblast', Kyiv
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Sweet tears (saxifrage)
Sweet tears (saxifrage) Indications for use: •for dissolving kidney stones, liver; •for the treatment of renal stone disease and its prevention; •for treatment of diseases associated with metabolism; •clean
Ukraine, Kyiv Oblast', Kyiv
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Mipro-VIT created on the basis of dry biomass of medicinal mushroom Fusarium sambucinum Fuckel var. Ossicolum Mipro-VIT normalizes the function of our immune system, as they say solves the problem from the
Ukraine, Kyiv Oblast', Kyiv
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Liambezi series "Primorsky Krai"
Liambezi series "Primorsky Krai" Indications for use: Prevention and treatment of lambliosis - intestinal and hepatic origin. The effect of the drug: Vegetable complex, part Liambezi, designed for anti-protozoa, parasitic
Ukraine, Kyiv Oblast', Kyiv
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Oncological Medicines-Aclasta,Avastin,Ability,Kolya,Alkeran,Gemzar,Gemcitabine,Herceptin,Granisetron,Docetaxel,Zomer,Irinotecan,Campto,Carboplatin,Xeloda,Leykeran,Leucovorin,MabThera,Navelbine,Neulastim,Oxaliplatin,Paclitaxel,Taxotere,Fluorouracil,Amend,Endoxan,Erbitux
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Caritatem PE (No. LSR-0022813/09) produced by LLC"Midflorida". Natural drug of plant origin, designed for the treatment of herniated discs of different etiology, burn wounds (3rd degree), degenerative disc
Russian Federation
Clean Point Wellness female swabs to cleanse the uterus
Clean Point Wellness female swabs to cleanse the uterus. Chinese herbal Clean Point tampons are effective feminine Wellness product. The recipe of this product recovery and prevention was borrowed from ancient
Ukraine, Kyiv Oblast', Kyiv
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Hemlock spotted tincture
Hemlock spotted tincture The spotted Hemlock is highly applicable immunostimulation, activating the protective forces of the organism. Possesses anticonvulsant, analgesic, sedative and anti-inflammatory action.
Ukraine, Kyiv Oblast', Kyiv
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Affairs - Man V
Action spectrum Affairs - Man V® is very wide - it is indispensable for colds, various viruses, allergies, when recovering from a serious infectious or inflammatory diseases, in the period after radio -
Ukraine, Kyiv Oblast', Kyiv
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Indian summer
Indian summer series "Primorsky Krai" bracing means to improve the well-being of women in the menopausal period. Normalizes hormonal balance, improves metabolism and activity of the digestive system Part: rhizome
Ukraine, Kyiv Oblast', Kyiv
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Job-Toddler (Barberry Comp)
Job-Toddler (Barberry Comp) The release form. Pellets homeopathic. Granules of uniform, correct spherical shape, white with gray or cream color color, odorless, sweet taste. Pharmacotherapeutic group. Complex
Ukraine, Kyiv Oblast', Kyiv
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Yutan series "Primorsky Krai"
Yutan series "Primorsky Krai" Diseases of the pancreas, gastrointestinal tract, diabetes of both types. Normalizes metabolism, reduces sugar level in blood. On the basis of the complex of plant inuline. COMPOSITION:
Ukraine, Kyiv Oblast', Kyiv
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Job-Venom Cures varicose process. Indications: •VARICOSE VEINS, •THROMBOPHLEBITIS, •ULCERS, •some cases of VARICOCELE. Varicose veins, thrombophlebitis and ulcers are one and the same disease, only its different
Ukraine, Kyiv Oblast', Kyiv
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