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The aluminum corner of the equilateral 60x60,80x80 mm
negotiated  sale
TD Metallstroy predlaget aluminum area of an equilateral 60х60х2,0 mm 60х60х3,0 mm 60х60х5,0 mm 80х80х7,5 mm Alloy AD31. Without coating and the anode. Stock. Cutting is possible. Delivery in Ukraine by
Ukraine, Vinnytsia Oblast', Vinnytsya
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The aluminum corner of the equilateral 40x40,45x45,50x50mm
negotiated  sale
 TD Metallstroy offers lyuminievye area of an equilateral 40х40х1,7 mm 40x40x2,0 mm 40х40х3,0 mm 40х40х4,0 mm 45х45х2,0 mm 50х50х2,0 mm 50х50х3,0 mm 50х50х4,0 mm : 50x50x5. 0 mm Alloy AD31. Without coating and
Ukraine, Vinnytsia Oblast', Vinnytsya
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The aluminum corner of the equilateral 25x25,30x30 mm
negotiated  sale
TD Metallstroy offers andlyuminievye area equilateral:25x25x1,5 mm 25х25х2,0mm 25x25x3. 0 mm 30х30х2,0 mm 30х30х3,0 mmAlloy AD31. Without coating and the anode. Stock. Cutting is possible. Delivery in Ukraine
Ukraine, Vinnytsia Oblast', Vinnytsya
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The aluminum corner of the equilateral 10x10, 15x15, 20x20 mm
negotiated  sale
 TD Metallstroy offers aluminium angle equilateral: 10х10х1,0 mm 10x10x2. 0 mm 15x15x1. 0 mm 15x15x1,5 mm 20x20x1,5 mm 20х20х2,0 mmAlloy AD31. Without coating and the anode. Stock. Cutting is possible. Delivery
Ukraine, Vinnytsia Oblast', Vinnytsya
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Aluminum rectangular tube 100х20, 200 x 100 mm
negotiated  sale
TD Metallstroy offers aluminum rectangular tube : 100х20х2,0 mm 200х100х4,0 mm Alloy AD31. Without coating and the anode. Stock. Cutting is possible. Delivery in Ukraine by transport companies. Call agreement!
Ukraine, Vinnytsia Oblast', Vinnytsya
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Aluminum rectangular tube 80х20,80 x 40 mm
negotiated  sale
TD Metallstroy offers aluminum rectangular tube: 80х20х2,0 80х40х2,0 Alloy AD31. Without coating and the anode. Stock. Cutting is possible. Delivery in Ukraine by transport companies. Call agreement!
Ukraine, Vinnytsia Oblast', Vinnytsya
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Aluminum rectangular tube 60x30, 60x40 mm
negotiated  sale
TD Metallstroy offers aluminum rectangular tube: Hollow section 60x30x2,0 Hollow section 60x40x2,0 60x40x3,5 Alloy AD31. Without coating and the anode. Stock. Cutting is possible. Delivery in Ukraine by
Ukraine, Vinnytsia Oblast', Vinnytsya
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Aluminum rectangular tube 40х20, 50х30 mm
negotiated  sale
TD Metallstroy offers:Aluminum rectangular tube 40х20х2,0 mm 50x30x2. 0 mm 50x30x2,5 mm Alloy AD31. Without coating and the anode. Stock. Cutting is possible. Delivery in Ukraine by transport companies. Call
Ukraine, Vinnytsia Oblast', Vinnytsya
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Aluminum rectangular tube 30х18, 30x20 mm
negotiated  sale
TD Metallstroy offers aluminum rectangular tube: 30х18х1,5 mm 30x20x1,5 mm 30x20x2,0 mm Alloy AD31. Without coating and the anode. Stock. Cutting is possible. Delivery in Ukraine by transport companies. Call
Ukraine, Vinnytsia Oblast', Vinnytsya
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Aluminum rectangular tube 20x10 mm
negotiated  sale
TD Metallstroy offers aluminum rectangular tube: 20х10х1,0 mm 20х10х1,5 mm 20х10х2,0 mm Alloy AD31. Without coating and the anode. Stock. Cutting is possible. Delivery in Ukraine by transport companies. Call
Ukraine, Vinnytsia Oblast', Vinnytsya
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Aluminum round f 40-127 mm
negotiated  sale
TD Metallstroy offers from stock aluminum round f 40,45,50,55,60,65,70,75,82,127 mm. Alloy AD31, AK6, and AK4. Without coating and the anode. Cutting is possible. Delivery in Ukraine by transport companies. Call
Ukraine, Vinnytsia Oblast', Vinnytsya
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Aluminum round f 40-127 mm
negotiated  sale
Aluminum round f 40,45,50,55,60,65,70,75,82,127 mm. Alloy AD31, AK6, and AK4. Without coating and the anode. Stock. Cutting is possible. Delivery in Ukraine by transport companies. Call agreement!
Ukraine, Vinnytsia Oblast', Vinnytsya
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Aluminum round f 8-36 mm
negotiated  sale
TD Metallstroy offers from stock aluminum round f 8,10,12,14,15,16,18,20,25,30,36 mm. Alloy AD31, AMg5, D16T. Without coating and the anode. Cutting is possible. Delivery in Ukraine by transport companies. Call
Ukraine, Vinnytsia Oblast', Vinnytsya
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Aluminum square rod 10x10,12x12,30x30 mm
negotiated  sale
Aluminum square rod 10x10,12x12,30x30 mm, length 6m, AD31 alloy, without cover and the anode. Stock. Cutting is possible. Delivery in Ukraine by transport companies. Call agreement!
Ukraine, Vinnytsia Oblast', Vinnytsya
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Aluminum square tube 35x35 -60x60 mm
TD Metallstroy offers aluminum square tube: 35х35х2,0 40х40х1,0 40х40х1,2 40x40x2,0 40х40х3,0 40х40х3,5 45х45х2,0 50х50х2,0 50х50х3,0 60х60х1,8 60х60х3,0AD31 alloy, without cover and the anode.Stock. Cutting
Ukraine, Vinnytsia Oblast', Vinnytsya
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Aluminum square tube 35x35 -60x60 mm
Aluminum square tube: 35х35х2,0 40х40х1,0 40х40х1,2 40x40x2,0 40х40х3,0 40х40х3,5 45х45х2,0 50х50х2,0 50х50х3,0 60х60х1,8 60х60х3,0AD31 alloy, without cover and the anode.Stock. Cutting is possible. Delivery in
Ukraine, Vinnytsia Oblast', Vinnytsya
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Aluminum square tube 15x15 - 30x30 mm
negotiated  sale
Aluminum square tube: 15x15x1,0 15x15x1,5 18х18х1,0 18х18х1,5 20x20x1,0 20x20x1,5 20х20х2,0 25x25x1,5 25х25х2,0 30x30x1,5 30х30х2,0 AD31 alloy, without cover and the anode. Stock. Cutting is possible. Delivery
Ukraine, Vinnytsia Oblast', Vinnytsya
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Aluminum round tube heavy wall F20-40mm
TD Metallstroy offers from a warehousealuminum round tube heavy wall: Ф20х5,5mm, Ф25х7,8mm, Ф30х7,25mm, Ф35х7,5mm, Ф38х6мм, Ф40х5мм, Ф40х12мм AD31 alloy, without cover and the anode.Stock. Cutting is possible.
Ukraine, Vinnytsia Oblast', Vinnytsya
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Aluminum round tube Ф45-90 mm, alloy AD31
negotiated  sale
TD Metallstroy offers from stock aluminum round tube: Ф45х2мм, Ф50х2мм, Ф50х2,5mm, Ф50х3мм, Ф55х2,5mm, Ф56х2,5mm, Ф60х2мм, Ф60х2,5mm, Ф63х3мм, Ф65х2,5mm, Ф70х3мм, Ф75х2,5mm, Ф80х3мм, Ф85х2,5mm, Ф89х3мм, Ф90х2ммAD31
Ukraine, Vinnytsia Oblast', Vinnytsya
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Aluminum round tube f 25-40 mm, alloy AD31
negotiated  sale
Aluminum round tube F 25x1,5mm, Ф25х2мм, Ф26х3мм, Ф28х4мм, Ф30х2мм, Ф30х3мм, Ф32х1мм, Ф32х2мм, Ф35х1мм, Ф35х1,2mm, Ф35х2мм, Ф36х3мм, Ф40х1мм, Ф40х2мм, Ф40х3 mm. AD31 alloy, without cover and the anode. Stock.
Ukraine, Vinnytsia Oblast', Vinnytsya
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