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Sheet steel gorjachekatanyj 1,5-10 mm
negotiated  sale
TD Metallstroy offers from a warehouse:Sheet 1,5 (G. K.) Sheet 2 (G. K.) (1x2) Sheet 2 (G. K.) (1,25x2,5) Sheet 3 (G. K.) (1,25x2,5) Sheet 3 (G. K.) (1,5x6) Sheet 3 (G. K.) (1x2) Sheet 4 (G. K.) (1,25x2,5) Sheet
Ukraine, Vinnytsia Oblast', Vinnytsya
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The round steel f 210-250 mm
negotiated  sale
TD Metallstroy offers from a warehouse:Круг210 (V. 20) Круг210 (article 40H) Круг210 (article 45) Круг220 (V. 20) Круг220 (article 40H) Круг220 (article 45) Круг230 (V. 20) Круг230 (article 40H) Круг230 (article
Ukraine, Vinnytsia Oblast', Vinnytsya
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The round steel f 160-200 mm
negotiated  sale
TD Metallstroy offers from a warehouse:Круг160 (V. 20) Круг160 (article 40H) Круг160 (article 45) Круг170 (V. 20) Круг170 (article 40H) Круг170 (article 45) Круг180 (V. 20) Круг180 (article 40H) Круг180 (article
Ukraine, Vinnytsia Oblast', Vinnytsya
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The round steel f 110-150 mm
negotiated  sale
TD Metallstroy offers from a warehouse:Круг110 (V. 3) Круг110 (V. 20) Круг110 (article 40H) Круг110 (article 45) Круг115 (article 40H) Круг120 (V. 20) Круг120 (V. 3) Круг120 (article 40H) Круг120 (article 45)
Ukraine, Vinnytsia Oblast', Vinnytsya
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The round steel f 110-150 mm
negotiated  sale
TD Metallstroy offers from a warehouse:Круг110 (V. 3) Круг110 (V. 20) Круг110 (article 40H) Круг110 (article 45) Круг115 (article 40H) Круг120 (V. 20) Круг120 (V. 3) Круг120 (article 40H) Круг120 (article 45)
Ukraine, Vinnytsia Oblast', Vinnytsya
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The round steel f 70-100 mm
negotiated  sale
Round 70 (V. 3) Round 70 (V. 20) Round 70 (article 40H) Round 70 (article 45) Round 75 (V. 20) Round 75 (article 40H) Round 75 (article 45) Round 80 (V. 3) Round 80 (V. 20) Round 80 (40TH St.) Round 80 (article
Ukraine, Vinnytsia Oblast', Vinnytsya
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The round steel f 45-65 mm
negotiated  sale
TD Metallstroy offers from a warehouse:Round 45 (V. 3) Round 45 (V. 20) Round 45 (article 40H) Round 45 (V. 45) Round 50 (V. 3) Round 50 (V. 20) Round 50 (article 40H) Round 50 (article 45) Round 52 (V. 3)
Ukraine, Vinnytsia Oblast', Vinnytsya
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The round steel f 30-42 mm
negotiated  sale
TD Metallstroy offers from a warehouse:Round 30 (V. 3) Round 30 (V. 20) Round 30 (40TH St.) Round 30 (article 45) Round 32 (V. 3) Round 32 (V. 20) Round 32 (article 40H) Round 32 (article 45) Round 36 (V.
Ukraine, Vinnytsia Oblast', Vinnytsya
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The round steel f 20-28 mm
negotiated  sale
TD Metallstroy offers from a warehouse:Round 20 (V. 3) Round 20 (V. 20) Round 20 (article 40H) Round 20 (article 45) Round 22 (article 3) Round 22 (V. 20) Round 22 (article 45) Round 24 (V. 3) Round 24 (V.
Ukraine, Vinnytsia Oblast', Vinnytsya
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The round steel f 6-18 mm
negotiated  sale
TD Metallstroy offers from a warehouse:Round 6 (V. 3) Round 6,5 (V. 3) Circle 60 (V. 35) Circle 8 (V. 3) Round caliber.10 (V. 20) Round 10 (V. 3) Round 12 (V. 20) Round 12 (article 45) Round 12 of the measure
Ukraine, Vinnytsia Oblast', Vinnytsya
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Pipe of stainless AISI 304 polished round 48,3 f-84 mm
negotiated  sale
Tube n/W 48,3x1,5 Tube n/W 48,3x2,0 Tube n/W 50,8x1,5 Tube n/W 50,8x2,0 Tube n/W 50,8x3,0 tig Tube n/W 60,3x2,0 Tube n/W 63,5x1,5 Tube n/W 70х2,0 Tube n/W 76,1x2,0 tig Tube n/W 76,1x2,0 Tube n/W 76,1x3,0 Tube
Ukraine, Vinnytsia Oblast', Vinnytsya
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Pipe of stainless AISI 304 polished round f 32-42,4 mm
negotiated  sale
Tube n/W 32х1,5 Tube n/W 32x2,0 Tube n/W 32х3,0 tig Tube n/W 33,7h1,5 Tube n/W 33,7x3,0 Tube n/W 38х1,5 Tube n/W 38х2,0 tig Tube n/W 38х2,0 Tube n/W 38х3,0 tig Tube n/W 40х1,5 Tube n/W 42,4x1,5 Tube n/W 42,4x2,0
Ukraine, Vinnytsia Oblast', Vinnytsya
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Pipe of stainless AISI 304 polished round f 22-30 mm
negotiated  sale
Pipe n/f 22x1,5 Tube n/W 25x1,5 Tube n/W 25x2,0 Tube n/W 26,9x2,5 tig Tube n/W 28x1,5 Tube n/W 28х2,0 Tube n/W 30х1,5 Tube n/W 30/2,0 tig Steel grade AISI 304. Stock. There are pipes of other sizes. Affordable prices.
Ukraine, Vinnytsia Oblast', Vinnytsya
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Pipe of stainless AISI 304 polished round F10-20mm
negotiated  sale
Tube n/W 10x1,5 tiig Tube n/W 12x1,0 Tube n/W 12x1,5 Tube n/W 14x1,5 tiig Tube n/W 16x1,0 Tube n/W 16x1,5 Tube n/W 18x1,5 Tube n/W 20X1,2 Tube n/W 20X1,5 Pipe n/f 20X2,0 Steel grade AISI 304. Stock. There are
Ukraine, Vinnytsia Oblast', Vinnytsya
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Tube n/W rectangular 80 x 40 - 120x80 mm
negotiated  sale
Tube n/W 80х40х2,0 Tube n/W hollow section 80x40x3,0 Tube n/W 80х60х2,0 Tube n/W 80х80х2,0 Tube n/W 80х80х3,0 Tube n/W 80х80х4,0 Pipe n/ж100х100х3,0 Pipe n/ж100х50х2,0 Pipe n/ж100х50х3,0 Pipe n/ж120х60х3,0 Pipe
Ukraine, Vinnytsia Oblast', Vinnytsya
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Tube n/W rectangular 50х25 - 60x60 mm
negotiated  sale
Tube n/W 50х25х1,2 Tube n/W 50х25х1,5 Tube n/W 50x25x2,0 Tube n/W 50х30х1,5 Tube n/W 50x30x2,0 Tube n/W 50х50х1,5 Tube n/W 50х50х2,0 Tube n/W 50х50х3,0 Tube n/W 60х30х1,5 Tube n/W hollow section 60x30x2,0 Tube
Ukraine, Vinnytsia Oblast', Vinnytsya
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Tube n/W rectangular 30х10 - 40x40 mm
negotiated  sale
Tube n/W 30х10х1,2 Tube n/W 30х10х1,5 Tube n/W 30x20x1,5Tube n/W 30x30x1,0 Tube n/W 30x30x1,2 Tube n/W 30x30x1,5 Tube n/W 30х30х2,0 Tube n/W 30х30х3,0Tube n/W 35х35х2,0Tube n/W 40x20x1,2 Tube n/W 40x20x1,5 Tube
Ukraine, Vinnytsia Oblast', Vinnytsya
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Tube n/W rectangular 15x15,20x20,25x25
negotiated  sale
Tube n/W 15x15x1,0 Tube n/W 15x15x1,2 Tube n/W 15x15x1,5 Tube n/W 20х10х1,2 Tube n/W 20х10х1,5 Tube n/W 20x20x1,0 Tube n/W 20x20x1,2 Tube n/W 20x20x1,5 Tube n/W 20х20х2,0 Tube n/W 25x25x1,0 Tube n/W 25x25x1,2 Tube
Ukraine, Vinnytsia Oblast', Vinnytsya
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Tube n/W AISI 304 round frosted f 104-219 mm
negotiated  sale
Tube n/W 104х2,0 Tube n/W 108х2,0 tig Tube n/W 108х3,0 tig Tube n/W 114,3x2,0 tig Tube n/W 114,3x3,0 tig Tube n/W 129х2,0 Tube n/W 129х2,0 tig Tube n/W 129х3,0 Tube n/W 129х3,0 tig Tube n/W 139,7h1,5 tig
Ukraine, Vinnytsia Oblast', Vinnytsya
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Tube n/W AISI 304 round frosted f 76-101,6 mm
negotiated  sale
 Tube n/W 76,1x2,0 Tube n/W 76,1x1,5 Tube n/W 76,1x2,0 tig Tube n/W 76,1x3,0 Tube n/W 76,1x3,0 tig Tube n/W 80x2,0 tig Tube n/W 80х2,0 Tube n/W 84х2,0 tig Tube n/W 85х2,0 Tube n/W 88,9x2,0 Tube n/W 88,9x2,0 tig
Ukraine, Vinnytsia Oblast', Vinnytsya
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