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Line for the production of concrete blocks, pavers, curbs
negotiated  sale
The Swedish company Scandinavian & UK Machines offers fixed and mobile lines for the production of blocks, pavers, curbs, interior and exterior wall panels, floor panels. Various capacities and configurations. Provide
Kingdom of Sweden, Malmo
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УФ лампи люмінесцентні низького тиску LIH
УФ лампи люмінесцентні низького тиску LIH мають два напрямки використання : для УФ-затвердіння фарб, лаків і емульсій і для дезінфекції озоном і ультрафіолетовим випромінюванням. Лампи низького тиску, що
Ukraine, Kyiv Oblast', Kyiv
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Ущільнювальні прокладки для пластинчастих теплообмінників
Пропонуємо ущільнювальні прокладки компанії «LAYGO» для пластинчастих теплообмінників. Ущільнювальні прокладки компанії «LAYGO» виробляються і продаються згідно з сертифікатом якості ISO 9001:2000, наданими однією
Ukraine, Kyiv Oblast', Kyiv
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Амальгамний УФ лампи високої потужності
Амальгамний ультрафіолетові лампи високої потужності створюють інтенсивність опромінення в кілька разів перевершує звичайні ртутні лампи високого тиску. Це дозволяє створювати потужні і энергоеффективные системи
Ukraine, Kyiv Oblast', Kyiv
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Concrete batching plants, batching plant, AR
The proposed concrete batching plants, concrete nodes and install, AR and BCU mobile and stationary type, different performance, from 5 to 130 m3, and various equipment. Prefabricated installation Euromobil Fast,
Kingdom of Sweden, Malmo
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Plate for heat exchanger
negotiated  продам
Reasonable prices and high quality plates! We offer plate heat exchangers Alfa Laval, GEA, Sigma, etc. - high quality stainless steel Flexy- ing analogues to the brand heat exchangers. The plate material, thickness
Ukraine, Kyiv
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Sunflower seeds Osman, Bogdan tolerant everlasting
10 UAH  продам
Offer sunflower seeds mid-season hybrids breeding GRAND NPF: "Osman" (115-118 days), "Bogdan" (112-118 days), tolerant everlasting. Osman, a simple middle - (115 - 118 days), drought-resistant hybrid, designed
Ukraine, Kyiv
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Corn seeds NR 63
10 UAH  sale
Hybrid LN 63 - nmarketing intensive-adaptive hybrid from the company, WNIS, with high resistance to drought and great yield potential. Yield potential is 155ц/ha, the average yield potential of about 95ц/ha.
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Seeds of spring rape Reads (RS)
Spring rape Reads(roundup)The variety is early maturing (85-90 days).Resistant to glifosato (the application rate of Roundup or similar to 4 liters). NON-GMORods – resistant to shattering, lodging, drought, high
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Seeds of spring rape Sirius
10 UAH  sale
Sirius – linear early maturing (85-95 days) hybrid, created by individual selection from hybrid population varieties. Entered in the Register of plant varieties of Ukraine since 2006 (national standard). Resistant
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Hydrofluoric acid 70% (hydrofluoric acid 70%) respectively. THAT 6-09-2622-88
negotiated  sale
Hydrofluoric acid 70% (hydrofluoric acid 70%) respectively. THAT 6-09-2622-88 in cans of 25 kg and in drums of 230 kg made in China from existence from a warehouse Lytkarino (the suburbs) or delivery is
Russian Federation, Moscow
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Synthetic cryolite (resp. Brand KA)
negotiated  sale
Synthetic cryolite (resp. Brand KA) in bags 25 kg made in China from existence from a warehouse Lytkarino (the suburbs) or delivery is up to You. Wholesale prices. Shipment in day of payment. Individual approach
Russian Federation, Moscow
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Sodium nitrite (sodium atomistically)
negotiated  sale
Sodium nitrite (sodium atomistically) in 25 kg bags produced in Russia from availability of warehouse in Lytkarino (Moscow region) or shipping to You. Wholesale prices. Shipment in day of payment. Individual approach
Russian Federation, Moscow
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Diammonium phosphate fertilizer THAT 113-08-556-93
negotiated  sale
Diammonium phosphate fertilizer THAT 113-08-556-93 in bags of 25 kg produced in Russia from existence from a warehouse in Lytkarino (Moscow region) or shipping to You. Wholesale prices. Shipment a day payment.
Russian Federation, Moscow
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Urea "urea" technical grade And
negotiated  sale
Urea "urea" technical grade A in bags of 50 kg of production of the Russian Federation from existence from a warehouse Lytkarino (the suburbs) or delivery is up to You. Wholesale prices. Shipment in day of
Russian Federation, Moscow
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Ammonium sulphate (ammonium sulfate)
negotiated  sale
Ammonium sulphate technical (ammonium sulfate) in bags of 50 kg of production of the Russian Federation from existence from a warehouse in Lytkarino (Moscow region) or shipping to You. Wholesale prices. Shipment
Russian Federation, Moscow
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Электрическая зажигалка Usb
250 UAH  sell
تشغيل سريع. قم يسمح USB-накопителях الكمبيوتر المحمول. акуум отличается высокой прочностью.  н особенно подходит для использования в плохую погоду. аряжается как мобильный телефон ерез ноутбук ، планшет или
Ukraine, Kyiv
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Spanex briquetting press (190kg/hour) Germany
11 000 $  sale
Spanex briquetting press (190kg/hour) Germany.- Briquette diameter 5.5 cm- Capacity: 190 kg / h- Main engine 11 kWSize:- Length 180 / 380cm- Width of 110cm- Height 170cm- Weight 900 kg- Very good condition- Made
Ukraine, Poltavs'ka Oblast', Poltava
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Press for producing fuel briquettes Wektor BT60 (500-700kg/h) B/Y
15 000 $  sale
Wektor press briquetting bt-60 (Poland) is suitable for the manufacture of fuel briquettes from sawdust of soft wood and hard wood, husk and other plant waste (crop waste, waste of flax, buckwheat,straw, etc.),
Ukraine, Poltavs'ka Oblast', Poltava
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Press for briquetting of straw, wood, husk 180-250 kg/h
182 000 UAH  sale
In good condition.Performance 180-250 kg / hBriquetting press is designed for production of fuel briquettes from sawdust of soft wood and hard wood, husk and other plant waste (crop waste, waste of flax, buckwheat,
Ukraine, Poltavs'ka Oblast', Poltava
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